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●Jacksons Pov●
I saw Y/N walk off I felt bad now I shouldn't have said anything but the thing is I have never heard her name come out of Y/N mouth ever, maybe she knew her from school? I put that thought thought aside. "Jennie how do you know Y/N" Jinyoung ask all of a sudden "Well we will just say she never liked me." We all shook our heads in agreement. We heard the bell ring and we gathered out things and started to walk to class, Suddenly Jennie came and tapped me on my shoulder "Can you please walk with me to class" "Oh ok." I didn't want to be rude so I went with her, She intertwined her fingers with mine and we walked to class like that, I heard what people said when we walked passed them OMG do you think there dating Wait but I thought he was with that other girl . We got to her class, she stopped at the doorway and let go of my hand "How about we do something later" "Um sure" "Meet me after school at the schools front gate." She leaned in and kissed me on my cheek "I'll see you later." As I walked away I could feel my cheeks burning up Did she really just kiss you, No why are you freaking out it's not like she made out with you, I barely made it to class on time "Mr. Wang please be earlier next time" "Yes Mrs. Kim" I took my seat and pulled out my textbook
School was over, I put my books into my locker and walked out to the front gate of the school she was already there so I sped walked over. "Are you ready to go" "Yes." I held her hand as we walked out of school. I felt myself getting excited that i got to go on a date with her, Kim Jennie. "So how are you liking Korea" I asked "Its great and i like how everything is so close to where i live" "Thats good." "So were do you want to go" She asked "Um I was thinking about this cafe called Angles Cafe." We got to the small cafe and sat down, this is where me and Y/N would always hang out and we would always get in trouble but there were so many memories here. Me and Jennie ordered our drinks and we talked for sometime, When we left the sun was going down "That was really fun Thank you for being with me" She leaned in and kissed me, Then she waved goodbye and got into the cab. Wait did she just kissed me this cant be true. I decided to go see if Y/N was ok, since she hasn't answered me at all today. I reached her house and rung the door bell.
●Y/N Pov●
I woke up to the sound of someone ring my door bell. I fixed my hair and walked down stairs, I opened the door, then my eyes shot open "Jackson" I saw he had lipstick all over his mouth, I felt like time had stopped "Hey your alive" I invited him in and he sat the dinner table and I went and sat across him "Hey why weren't you at school today" "I felt sick after lunch so I just went home" I lied "Are you sure?" "Yes Jackson stop worrying so much" "So why do you have lipstick all over your mouth" "I have lipstick all over my mouth" I pulled out my phone and showed him his face "People probably thought i was crazy" "I'll go get make-up wipes" I came back down with the make up wipes and pulled one out and handed it to him "How did you even get lip stick all over your mouth" "Oh I went on a date" "With who" " Jennie" "Oh" "Don't be mad it was only one date" "I'm not mad I cant control who you date" I felt like my whole world came crashing down when he said her name, After we were done talking I got up and walked with him to the door "I hope you feel better Y/N" "Thank you" "Can I ask you one more thing" "Sure" "Y/N I know you don't like Jennie, but can you at least try to be nice, I really like her and i don't want to loose her, Just do me this favor please do it for me." "I will try Jackson don't worry." He gives me one last hug I wish he wouldn't let me go. He left after that, I closed the door and felt my knees give out and I fell on the floor, My eyes started to well up and tear started streaming down my face.
I woke up the next morning on the floor, my neck and back were in so much pain. I grab my phone and saw i had 30 minutes to get to school. I ran upstairs and changed into ripped jeans and a baggy sweater and tied my hair up. As I walked out I looked in the mirror and saw my red eyes and the bags under my eyes, I ran out of the door and headed towards school.I finally got to school just in time.I took my seat and pulled out my work book. As the teacher was talking I could feel my eyes getting heavy, I dropped my head on my desk and fell asleep. I heard a textbook slammed and my head shot straight up. I heard people around me laugh "Miss L/N I will not tolerate you sleeping in my class, Office now." I heard kids laugh at me as I walked out. I got to the principals office and went in "Hello" "Oh what an unfamiliar face" "I'm here from Mr. Min's Class" "So why did he send you in here" "Well i fell asleep while he was giving us his lesson" "Ok, I'm going to let this one slide only because I expect to never see you in my office never again" "Yes sir, Thank you so much this means so much to me" "No problem." I walked out of the principals office and I got back to class.
Lunch time finally. I was the last one to sit down, I now sit next to JB but it doesn't matter, I sat down then Mark ask "So what happened" "What happened with what" "In first period idiot" "Nothing happened" "Oh yeah she fell asleep" Jackson said "Y/N fell asleep and Mr.Min's Class and got send to the office, "There's no way Y/N could have gotten send to the office"JB said We were all laughing Then Jennie said "No wonder the bags under your eyes and so there so dark too" "What did you just say" "I'm just saying maybe next time get enough sleep or put make-up on" I got up from the table and walked off. Jackson ran up to my side and pulled my arm "Y/N come on just go sit down" "Jackson look I'm trying but please maybe I should just keep away for now." I walked into school and went into the bathroom, tears were running down my cheek, I felt like I was worthless. She was always the one that brought my self esteem down and she didn't care if I got hurt.
It was finally Friday, I finally had a break from all this mess. I walked out of my last period and went to my locker I saw that Mark and Jackson were standing there, "Y/N" "Yes" "Do you want to hang out later" "Well I have some projects to get done, So Im going to be busy sorry" "Why dont you ever hang out with us" Mark said "Mark Im always with you guys" "But not enough" "Im sorry Mark" I patted the top of his head "Well I should get going I have work to get down." I walked out of school and headed home.
●Jacksons Pov●
Mark was right she never hangs out with out, Its probably because of Jennie maybe she wont be busy on the weekend and we can all hang out. I had a lot of things on my mind but there was one thing that I was most nervous for I wanted to ask Jennie to be girlfriend, I love the way that she treats me and i think that she would be a perfect for me. Me and the guys went to a Korean BBQ and I told them about how I wanted to ask out Jennie out and we tried to come up with a plan on how I would ask her out, but we got nowhere. After we ate I stopped by Y/N's house to see how her projects were going. I knocked on her door "Oh Jackson Hi" "Hey" I walked in after her and saw the mess her dining room was "What happened in here" "Can you make this quick as you can see I'm very busy" "Ok, I want to ask a girl out but I don't know how" "It depends on her personality" "Well I haven't really know her for that long but I feel like I known her all my life" "Wow Jackson I never heard you talk about someone that way, Are you feeling ok?" "Yes I'm feeling ok, I just don't want to mess this up" "Aww your so sweet" "I should probably get going so you could get these projects down" "Ok bye"
●Time Skip●
It was finally time I was going to ask Jennie out, I went to the store bought some white rose and left for her apartment, I parked in the parking lot and sat in my car for about five minutes debating if i should go in, After some time I got out of my car , I went to her floor and knocked on her door I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest "Oh Jackson Hi" She gave me a hug "What are you doing here" "I wanted to see you" and I gave her the flowers "Do you want to come in" "Sure" We sit down at her dinner table and she puts down a glass of water "Why didn't you tell me you were coming"she asked me "Well I wanted to surprise you" "Your so sweet" I just loved everything about her she was so sweet and her smile was so bright "I love these flower" she went to get a vase from her kitchen "Aren't they so pretty" "Jennie, can I ask you something" She sits down next to me and looked into my eyes, I was so nervous I could feel my body shaking "Jackson, are you ok" "Oh yes, Jennie I know we haven't know each other for a long time but I feel like I have know you forever, you make me feel so great when I'm with you, So I want to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend" "Jackson I would love to be your girlfriend" she got up and gave me a hug, I felt like I won the lottery. I spent that night with her, Just us together

I Love you,Jackson Wang (slow)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora