2: Difficult Discussion

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The mouthwatering smell of juicy bacon filled the house as Meghan opened her eyes. Broad daylight greeted her. She didn't have to check her watch to know that she had slept in later than planned. Rolling onto her stomach, she reached out to grab her glasses before sitting up and slipping out of the bed, her feet sliding into her fluffy slippers as she stood up.

Voices could be heard out in the kitchen as Meghan pushed her bedroom door open, a yawn escaping from deep inside of her. She blinked tiredly and she shuffled down the small hallway to investigate the commotion in the kitchen. Carly and Gordon were together at the stove, making breakfast. Carly hadn't even brushed her hair or dressed out of her pajamas yet.

"Morning," Meghan greeted them.

"Morning, Nutmeg," Gordon said brightly, seemingly awake and enjoying his one-on-one time with their daughter.

Meghan looked down at her watch. At first glance, the time didn't bother her as she had no schedule today. Just spend some time with her children and their father. But then she did a double take and raised her wrist to her face to read the time properly through her glasses.

"Carly! Ryder! You're late for the last day of school!" Meghan exclaimed loudly, tripping over her feet as she raced to grab her bag and a hairbrush to brush Carly's tangled curls.

Gordon stared at her for a moment before looking down at Carly with a questioning expression. "You said there was no school until after Christmas."

Carly grinned sheepishly, taking a slow bite of her bacon. "I don't want to go."

"Carly, you're going," Meghan said, racing down the hall to the bedroom and opening the door. "Ryder-"

"I'm ready," her son interrupted, already in fresh clothes and with his backpack slung over his shoulder.

"I can take them if you need," Gordon offered once Meghan reentered the kitchen.

"No, that's okay. You stay here and relax."

"I don't want to go to school!" Carly complained.

"It's just one more day," Meghan told her. "Then you can spend as much time as you want with Dad."

"Yeah, so you better hurry and go or I'll make the gingerbread house without you, ladybug," Gordon told her, grinning.

Her eyes widened at the threat and she quickly dropped her bacon to skid down the wooden floor to her room to get ready just as Ryder emerged. He eyed Gordon for a moment before moving toward the front door. Meghan snatched Carly's partially eaten bacon up and took a bite. She avoided bumping her hip against the table as she moved after her son.

"Hey, bud," Gordon greeted Ryder slowly, smiling. "I missed you."

Ryder scoffed and rolled his eyes, opening the front door. Cold air rushed inside, eager to chase out the warmth. "That makes one of us."

"He's still upset with me?" Gordon asked Meghan once the door had been slammed shut.

Meghan sighed and pressed her palm to her forehead as she waited for Carly. "Yes. And his first year of high school hasn't been the greatest, so that adds to it all."

"I'll talk to him this evening," he assured her, walking around the counter to clear some dishes off of the table.

Before Meghan could respond, Carly came skipping back into the room. Her hair was nearly brushed of all tangles, and her new clothes were fit snuggly on her small frame. "I'm ready!"

"You brushed your teeth?" Meghan asked, receiving a nod in answer. "Alright, let's go."


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