8: Tension Is Not A Remedy

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"I swear something is not right here!" Meghan told him, twisting the hem of her shirt in her hands. "It has never been right."

"So, they're here?" Gordon repeated what she had previously said.

"Yes, and I don't know if they followed us or if it is coincidence." Meghan inhaled deeply, trying to keep her emotions in check. "I'm actually glad we're getting to your apartment today."

Yesterday, Meghan and Carly had stayed out all day and arrived at the hospital later into the night. At first, they were just going to come back after sushi but Meghan knew Carly needed the break and she also wanted Ryder and his father to be alone together. Despite the situation, she still wanted to heal the bond between the two boys. At least having that done could lead to better communication with one another.

Meghan glanced over at Carly and Ryder. Carly was watching the nurse take his IV out with her nose wrinkled at the sight of the needle slipping out of his skin. Ryder's appearance was disheveled and he had small bags underneath his eyes, but otherwise, he seemed to be fine. As soon as the papers were officially filled they could leave the hospital to Gordon's apartment. Maybe then, Meghan could relax knowing the location would most likely not be discovered by whoever had been stalking them. She hoped the police department would find the person before anymore harm could be done by them.

"How did things go with you and Ryder yesterday?" Meghan asked, maintaining the hushed voice she had been using all morning.

Gordon rubbed his hands together and watched the two children on the bed talking to the nurse. "Fine. He seemed keen on avoiding eye contact but when I talked to him he responded in short sentences."

Meghan nodded, avoiding his judgmental gaze as he realized she was prying. He frowned and released a slight yawn, rising from the chair. Meghan leaned back, not quite ready to get up.

"How big is your apartment?" Carly asked Gordon, looking up at him for an answer.

He smiled. "Big enough, ladybug."

"Will it have room for a Christmas tree?"

"I daresay it will," he replied fondly. "It isn't that small."

She laughed before playing with her red curls, looking out the window. Last night, she had a minor panic attack after waking up in the night. Meghan wasn't sure if it was because of the events from yesterday or just because the room was beginning to get claustrophobic for her. She had been doing well with their temporary stay but Meghan could easily sense her eagerness to officially get out.

"We will get a couple papers signed and then we can go," Meghan told them. "So get yourselves ready to leave while we do that, okay?"

Carly and Ryder both nodded as they get off of the hospital bed to collect a few things. Gordon followed Meghan out of the room when she beckoned for him to follow, seemingly confused as to what she wanted.

"Once we get the papers signed I just want you to remember that even though this is your apartment we are going to - and I respect that - that these are also my children who are coming along," Meghan said once the door shut. "I have a right to what they can do at your apartment, too, and I don't want you feeling like you are in charge of me while we're there."

Gordon folded his arms, staring her down with a hard look. "You didn't have a problem bossing me around at your place. Why should I give you this free courtesy?"

"You're the one that left us," Meghan harshly reminded him. "You abandoned us and I took responsibility. Until we get everything organized and you as an official legal guardian, I am acting as if I have them completely. After you disappeared for a month, I lost any trust in you. You're back now but that trust is not. I want to be able to be just as equal an adult and rule maker at your apartment as you will be."

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