9: Christmas Tree Hunt

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Carly slid out of the car, her eyes studying all of the trees surrounding them as they got out and began trekking toward the field of pine trees of all different sizes. Several other families were roaming around, searching for a Christmas tree as well. Snow coated everything in its soft powder. Meghan enjoyed watching her boots sink into the snow and create a footstep, making a satisfying sound as the soft powder sank beneath her feet to be crushed into a thin layer of ice.

"Let's see who can find the perfect one first," Gordon suggested with a smile. "Two teams."

"Kids against parents?" Carly asked, grabbing Ryder's hand.

"Um..." Meghan exchanged a look with Gordon. Due to recent events, she did not want Carly and Ryder to be by themselves. "How about a parent and a kid?"

Carly released Ryder's hand to grab Gordon's. "I'm with Dad then."

Gordon grinned at her, squeezing her hand in his. "Sounds like the winning team has been made."

Meghan scoffed as a mischievous smile appeared on Ryder's face. She hadn't seen that mischief in her son's face in a long time. He would take everything seriously - even joking moments. But she could see the newly born competitiveness in Ryder's eyes as he quirked an eyebrow at Carly and Gordon. "Yes, Mom and I have indeed been made."

Gordon laughed pleasantly and Meghan narrowed her eyes at him. "Let the 74th Hunger Games begin! Holler when you think you found the perfect tree."

The family of four quickly split up after those words, walking briskly in opposite directions. It was like a maze as Meghan weaved around the trees with Ryder. At first, they worked in silence. Meghan studied all of the trees. Their height, color, branches, trunk, every little detail. Ryder seemed intent on catching every small detail on them too. Meghan kept her ears alert for any sound of Carly and Gordon calling for them.

"What do you think?" Meghan finally asked Ryder. "Any catching your eye?"

Ryder pulled the dark brown beanie hat farther down over his black hair. "Not really. They all look the same."

"Seriously," Meghan laughed. Ryder smiled, rubbing his hands together. Meghan watched him a moment, determining if she should ask the following question or not. "Ryder, are you enjoying the holidays?"

His small smile slipped away. He grew quiet. Meghan bit the inside of her lip, but she wouldn't take the question back. She needed an answer. A genuine one. Ryder finally shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, I guess. I always like spending holidays with you."

"And your father?"

Ryder adapted a familiar guarded look. Meghan could almost see his walls raising to push her away. She sighed to herself, a painful ache growing slowly with each beat of her heart. He couldn't keep closing her out. She blinked in surprise when he spoke. "He...he isn't as bad as I had thought."

"And...and what did you think?" Meghan pressed curiously.

"Well, that he was a heartless jerk who left...who left you because he only cared about himself," Ryder slowly confided. "But I guess just because he was the one to move out doesn't mean he abandoned us. You two must have talked about it."

Meghan put an arm around his shoulders. "We did."

"Then why did you cry about it for so long afterwards?"

Meghan swallowed thickly. "Well...well, it still hurt. I was with him for so long. We had you and Carly together and we shared amazing experiences with one another. It isn't easy to let go."

Ryder looked over the trees they walked past. Meghan studied his expression. She couldn't guess at what he was thinking.

"Excuse me." Meghan looked behind them. A man stood with a small child. He gave them an apologetic look as the little boy stepped closer to him. "Do you know if these trees have different prices?"

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