15: Doomsday Sleigh Ride

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Carly clutched Ryder tightly, both of their pale faces stricken with absolute fear. An elf moved to poke at Carly with a knife but Ryder kicked it away, wrapping his arms around Carly and screaming, "Don't touch her!"

The camera angle lowered closer to the ground before Santa's brother stepped out in front of it, stopping in front of Meghan's children. They both stared up at him. Their clothes were torn and stained with spots of blood. Tears glistened in Carly's eyes. The cloaked figure reached out and grabbed Carly's red curls, yanking her away from Ryder. She screamed and kicked as Ryder shouted something incoherent, trying to lunge forward but being held back by dozens of the short elves. His next words rang out loud and clear. "Let her go! Leave her alone!"

A sob escaped Meghan. Santa's brother lifted Carly up with both hands until she was even with his cloaked face; holding her by the neck and hair. She choked softly, still kicking at him. The garbled chatter of the elves intensified as they screamed their approval, gnashing their teeth together. Ryder still struggled to reach Carly, tears glistening on his cheekbones. "Stop it! Please! Hurt me, not her!"

Santa's brother turned back to Ryder, studying him for a chilling moment before dropping Carly. She crumpled to the floor, coughing and wheezing, immediately being grabbed by elves that pinned her down, their sharp nails sinking into her skin and drawing blood. She cried out in pain before sobbing, "Ryder, no! Hurt me! You can hurt me! Leave Ryder alone!"

Her words didn't sway the cloaked figure as he stepped up to Ryder. An elf's raspy cackle sounded from right behind the camera, and the scene began shaking with its laughs. It focused again just as Santa's brother pulled the familiar gingerbread-man knife out of his cloak, the sharp tip gleaming in the dim lighting.

"No," Meghan whispered, her shaking hands reaching for the phone. "No!"

As the knife was plunged into Ryder's stomach, Carly's terrified scream and Ryder's agonized one were both drowned out by Meghan's own screech of horror. The knife was yanked back out. Dark blood immediately began pouring from the wound and staining his blue shirt dark crimson. Ryder was shoved over, clutching at his stomach.

The screen went black.

"No!" Meghan screamed. "No! No!"

A doctor burst into the room, panicked and confused, but Officer Jyles shook his head, shouting words Meghan couldn't make out. The doctor then hesitantly left.

"What was that!" Meghan screamed, grabbing the cop tightly. "What was that! Where are they? How did you get that video?"

"Miss Byer, please calm down," the young man pleaded, grasping her arms when she struggled to climb out of the bed.

"I need to get to them!" she sobbed, trying to lunge for the door.

He forced her back into the bed, pinning her down with surprising strength. "Ma'am, calm down! Please! Nothing can be done if you're in hysterics."

Several minutes had to pass before Meghan was able to get a grip on herself. Her tears didn't cease, but her composure did relax into a rational phase of calm. Officer Jyles slowly released her, straightening himself solemnly. "The video was sent in last night from an unknown source, estimated around the time where you were in for surgery. I was able to track you down back here because you were no longer in the area."

"Was that video real?" Meghan whimpered, sobbing some more.

"I'm not sure."

Meghan squeezed her eyes shut. "He has them. Ryder's dead."

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