Chapter 8

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A/N- sorry, I know the chapter is waaaaaaaaaaay late. I had to put the book on hold for a while because I was dealing with school projects, midterms, and personal shit (excuses, excuses).
I will try to post regularly again. I'm in a play so I'm at rehearsal until 6 every night and then I have homework and workouts and stuff, but I promise I'll come back soon!!


I had had to turn my Instagram notifications off because I was being tagged in photos left and right. After those calls we made, there were at least eight more rallies starting by midnight. Some of them were small, maybe a hundred people at most. Others were massive, thousands of people protesting. Since Kalissa knew so many people in major cities, there were more protests in well known places.

Ari's call to her friend Khennedi turned out to be pretty helpful. Khennedi was a meme dealer and has hundreds of customers. She printed all of her memes with invitations to a rally on the back, and they spread like wildfire. Her clients started spreading the news via Snapchat, and over Seventeen-thousand people showed up to protest. Even a couple of the Dankest Memers drove over to San Francisco to assist and speak at the rally. I was one of them.

+ + +

Carl was very insistent that I go to San Francisco. He said more people would be drawn to the rally if the 'meme man himself' showed up to give a speech. So when Khennedi called us back hours later and said that a few hundred people had already committed to going, everything became a rush.

Violet insisted on going, and Carl insisted on Arianna going too. Carl said he was going to stay back and hold down the fort while we were gone. A guy named Garrett was also coming along with us. He would be the 'bodyguard' as Carl put it. Garrett was tall as hell and looked like he could step on me. For being only seventeen, he was terrifying.

Carl and I had talked to my parents about the San Francisco rally. They were very delighted and supportive, but also extremely worried.

"Will Cena be safe?" Mom had asked.

"I can assure you that your son's safety is our top priority," Carl told her.

"How old are you?" Dad asked.

"I am eighteen in seventy-two days."

"You're just a kid! How are you going to keep everything together when you're still a teenager?"

"I promise you that it's not as hard as you think. My group and I have been planning this for ages. It is going exactly as planned, if not better."

"How have things been going with the Anti-Memers?"

"Well," Carl started. "They've tried coming around here, but with the constant guarding of the house, they haven't been successful."

My mom budded in. "Do you know what it's like in San Francisco?"

"Yes," I said. For once I knew the answer to something. "A girl we know there is keeping us informed. There are at least a few hundred people coming to the rally tonight. She has a crew that's basically an extension of the Dankest Memers, and plus we have a bodyguard coming."

My mother and father look slightly impressed. My dad speaks up. "I want to come."

"No problems there," Carl says at the same time I say, "Absolutely not."

We glance at each other. I go to speak, but Carl cuts me off.

"You may go with us, sir." He turns to me. "More emo people will come if the Ultimate YeEmo Cringe Daddy is there." Carl looks back at my dad. "How would you like to speak at the rally?"

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