Chapter 9

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The next morning, I was the first one awake. Arianna was asleep on the other side of the barrier, her back towards me. She looked peaceful, like she didn't have a care in the world. Looking away, I remembered what happened before bed last night.

Arianna tried to kiss me.

I felt bad about rejecting her, but I was confused. For one, I didn't even know she liked me. Two, what if she didn't and she was just misjudging her feelings? And three, since I have to work with her, I really don't want tension.

Yes, I know I tried to hit on her before, but that was when this was a simple rally. I didn't know it would blow up like this, or that I would have to travel and work with her. I'm sure this won't be our only destination.

I got up and went to the other room to make myself some coffee. Everyone was sleeping peacefully. Garrett and Violet were on the bed, as far apart from each other as humanly possible. I chuckled at that, then glanced at my dad. He was still sleeping on the window seat, but one of his arms and one of his legs were hanging off the side.

My coffee finished brewing and I quietly slipped back into the bedroom. I took my spot on the window seat and watched the sun slowly rise over the city. When the city was bright and awake, I took out my phone and checked the date. Christmas.


My family does celebrate, but barely. We usually just give each other some memes. This year, though, was totally hectic and I forgot all about it. I used the computer in the hotel room to search up local libraries and print shops. There, printing out a couple of memes should be easy enough, so long as I don't let anybody see them. Or maybe I could give the librarian $20 and keep her quiet.

I found a print shop that was relatively close to the hotel. It took me a while because the computer was confusing, but I finally found da wae. I quickly and quietly got dressed and made my way out.

The San Francisco sun kept the city warm, or at least warmer than home. It was probably 65-70 degrees here, whereas home would be 5-10. People out here were strolling around in sandals, shorts, and I even saw one lady literally wearing a rug. Not even shoes, just a rug.

This city made me feel like an outsider. My hometown has maybe six thousand people at most, and a lot of them are elderly and retired. My dad and mom used to live in Los Angeles, but my after my dad's career was shut down, he didn't feel it was necessary to stay. After all, he moved there because it was once considered the YouTube capitol. Needless to say it wasn't worth staying after my dad's channel was destroyed for being too memey. He could've continued making videos with different content, but it just was not the same. He and my mom found our town and thought it was perfect to start a family. It's quiet and it makes life simple.

Six blocks later, I walked into a place called Printsome With You, which to me sounded like a threesome with a printer. It was tidy and neat, but there was something strange about it.

"Hey," somebody loudly whispered. I turned around and there was a man standing behind the counter on the side.

"Hello?" I hesitantly say.

"I know you," he says.

"Do you?"

"Yes. You're that meme kid my kids won't shut up about."

"Uh, yeah. I guess." Should I have brought Garrett?

"Could you sign an autograph for me? I'll let you print everything free if you just give me a couple John Hancock's."

Not to sound narcissistic, but I think at this point, my signature is worth more than whatever I would be paying for these memes. But, that means less money I need to spend and more money for food. Specifically ramen.

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