Chapter 11

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A/N - There isn't really a point to this, other than you get to know the characters better


"Garrett," I say. He is sitting with headphones and doesn't hear me, so I tap his shoulder. He jumps, tearing the buds from his ears.

"What the Hecuba, Cena!" His hand is over his heart like like an old lady.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

"Yeah, well you did. Need something?"

"Yeah. I was wondering if you wanted to join me at my New Years Eve party tonight."

"Who is going?" Garrett asks.

"Me, Violet, Arianna, Noah, Bridget, Alexander, Zack, and Cody," I list off.

"That's it?"

"Yeah. I don't want a lot of people. Just a few trustworthy ones that know how to have fun. There's gonna be drinks, music, strange lighting. The whole shebang."

"Okay," he replies.

"Okay as in you'll come? Or as in you don't really care?"

"Okay, I'll come."

A smile creeps up my face.


+ + +

Violet and I were standing in the kitchen together, making food. Right now, she's popping popcorn on the stove, and I'm making my famous Tide Podsta.

Tide Podsta is a special kind of dinner. It's a noodle that is filled with a cheesy cream sauce. One section is dyed blue, one orange, and the other is left to be white. Basically, it's a weird ravioli on steroids.

"That smells really fucking good," I say to Vi.

"You bet your ass it does," she retorts. Then she smiles and throws up a peace sign.

"Ready for tonight?"

"Almost," she answers. "I need to do my makeup. And hair. And find the right outfit."

"Woah, why so much effort? It's just a few of us."

"Yeah, but Bridget will be there."

"So?" What does Bridget have to do with an- "Oh. Right. "You're a lesbian."

Violet giggles. "Damn straight. Or, damn gay?"

"Why didn't you ever mention that?"

She shrugs. "It just never came up."

"I see. So you've got the hots for Bridget?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"Well," she starts. "I mean, she's really pretty, and she's hella fun to talk to."

"I've never really talked to her," I admit.

"Then why'd you invite her?"

"Garrett said I should." I'm not sure why, but this makes Violet glance down and smirk. "What?"

"Nothing," she says. She turns around and keeps popping her corn.

"No, what? Did I say something funny?"

"No, Garrett is just the first one I told about Bridget."

"Wow." I feign hurt. "I'm crushed. You told your brother's friend before you told your brother."

"Uh, excuse you, he's my friend too," she scoffs.

"Well I'll make sure we put some Truth or Dare on the itinerary for tonight."

The Meme LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora