Chapter 10

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Two hours later, we're all sitting around my table. Carl is explaining to us what happened after my speech.

"Basically, you two inspired a lot of people," he said. "People all over the country are having their own rallies. Lucky for us, the president ordered that police are only allowed to intervene if property or person is damaged. So as long as nobody throws rocks at store windows and nobody starts fighting, we should be clear. And Cena, you're being tagged in photos thousands of times an hour. Also, SnapChat even made a story dedicated to these rallies and speeches."

"Are you serious?" Violet asks.

"D-E-D ded serious," he answers.

"So what does that mean for me?" I ask.

"It means that you are basically a celebrity."

"You're a hero to these people," Arianna says.

"If memes are legalized, kids will stop abandoning school at the rate they have. Broadway will be great again. This turmoil will all stop," Arianna chimes in (with a haven't you people ever heard of).

"Memes make the world a better place," my dad adds.

"So, Cena, we need to work out a schedule," Carl says. "Frank, you and Eva are welcome to join."

"Schedule? For what?" I ask.

"For public appearances, TV shows, news reports, rallies. Like I said, you're famous now."


"Yes. We got a call from a show called 'Detective Stump: Soul Story' and they want you to make a guest appearance on the show. It's some crime solving show where a guy that talks to ghosts solves murders. They want you to play the victim," Carl explains.

"HOLY SHIT!" Garrett screams. "I LOVE THAT SHOW!"

"I'll think about it," I say. I don't know how to feel about all of this. TV? News reports? What's next, an album? This just feels like it's all happening so fast and I have no time to prepare.

"Also," Ari buds in. "We need to find Cena a new wardrobe. All he wears is black."

"I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color," I retort before standing up from my seat and walking away.

+ + +

Up in my room, I scrolled through Stumblr looking for some meme inspiration. Suddenly, I had an idea.

I went to the search bar and looked up 'memolution' first. There were hundreds of posts. Most of them were people encouraging the movement. Few were saying that legalizing memes would hurt the dealers. Many posts were pictures from rallies or memes talking about them. I even found several accounts that were dedicated to the memolution.

I check my follower account.

Holy shit, I think. 26,492 followers.

I know that really doesn't seem like a lot, but before this whole thing started, I only had 2,576. I don't even know how these people found my Stumblr.

A slight knock on my door startled me.

"Come in," I yell. The door opens ans Garrett strides in.

"Hey," he says.

"Hey." I pat the bed next to me and he comes and sits.

"Sorry about that. I know Carl can be a little pushy and demanding."

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