20: Exam of Death part 2.1

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*im lazy so I'm making it two parts. Hope you like it. Hope I'm still in character for all of them.*

Shikamaru walked next to his little mate, analyzing everything he had just witnessed. "Ask," the dark, pineapple, lazy teen visibly jumped. "Ask your questions." The Nara only chuckled at his mates forward attitude.

"What was with the food?" He inwardly winced at the wording.

"I get what you mean," mischievous blue eyes glance at him for a second, only to turn back to the village and road ahead of them. "I'm a ninja. If I don't know how to bribe my bosses, then I might as well quit. Not to mention they're in a better mood when fed."

The older mate nodded in an understanding way. He knew, even if he is lazy, his dad tends to be in a better mood when being fed. Even with his troublesome mother griping at the scarred man.

   "We should hurry," Sasuke piped up from behind them. "Anko-San isn't the best with late people."

   "Think she will eat their souls?" Naru piped up as he jumped onto the roofs of the village. "I do. Then again she could be bluffing again. And that's always fun." The Uchiha shuttered in fear, causing Sai to look into a rather large book he pulled from his ninja pack. "That was a good day. So much info. Oh! Shika your dad doesn't like leeks," the energetic blonde babbled. "Because apparently Ibiki-sama decided that to use it as a torture device when your dad went for his mental whatever."

   "There you gakis are," a chipper female voice sang in the air. "Just in time. In this test their are only two rules. Don't open your scrolls until you get to the building in the center of the forest. And you have five days to get the said building. Sign these papers, long stories short. You die in this test? Not my fault. So back out now if you want to continue living."

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