preference🍒your first kiss

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richie :
- despite what you thought he wasn't the best and ended up knocking teeth with you
- "i'm so sorry."

stanley :
- it was just a peck and when he pulled away you were both blushing
- "i liked that we should do it again."

eddie :
- he did it after you'd brushed your teeth and you weren't expecting it so you pushed him away
- "oh gosh i'm so sorry you scared me!"

bill :
- held your hand while doing it
- "well that was nice:"

ben :
- it was like .1 second long
- "okay i've got to go see you later y/n!"

mike :
- it was multiple pecks and you were giggling by the end

beverly :
- you both were best friends and it was really unexpected as neither of you really thought of each other like that until that point
- you both enjoyed it nonetheless

a/n i miss christmas but i'm low-key glad it's over because it was my first christmas since my dad died lol

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