preference🍒they ignore you

625 11 1

finn :
- stare at him pouting
- he feels your stare and looks over at your puppy dog eyes and rolls his own
- "cmon." he pats his leg and you sit on his lap watching a movie.

wyatt :
- repeatedly saying his name in a baby voice while tugging at his hair
- stubborn and refuses to look at you
- "daddy." looks up from his ds so fast to see if his mom heard. "stop."
- he pushes you away and you die laughing

jack :
- you walk back and forth past the tv
- "y/n oh my god just watch it please and then we'll do whatever you want." "ice cream?" "yes just stop"

jaeden :
- "jaeden do you not love me anymore? are we breaking up?"
- "if you don't shut up it can be arranged."
- "babe i was just joking i love you but this new episod-do you wanna go get ice cream?"

jeremy :
- playing music so he can't hear the videos he's watching
- singing along really loud
- he looks up at you like rlly bitch?
- then joins you in your dance session

chosen :
- he was playing guitar and you asked what song but he ignored you
- yelling his name
- he carries on ignoring you
- you ignore him back

sophia :
- she wouldn't get up
- turn on the tv and turn it up the whole way
- still doesn't get up
- end up just joining her

school has kicked my butt so bad and i get my report card on monday YIKES but i have no ideas to write i'm so sorry ALSO IM NOT SEXUALISING WYATT YOURE JOKING IN YHE PREFERENCE THATS WHY SHES LAUGHING

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