preference🍒they talk about you in an interview

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finn :
- smiling
- "yeah she's amazing."
- him and the boys discusses how cool you are

wyatt :
- sorta low-key because that's just the way he is
-"i heard you guys play video games together?"
- i mean yeah she tries."
- "she's gonna kill you for saying that."
- "shut up jaeden."

jack :
- literally so giddy
- "i need you all to love her because i really do."
- bragging about how amazing you are

jaeden :
- blushy baby
- super embarrassed
- "i really like her."

jeremy :
- "oh yeah, her-no i didn't mean it like that."
- stumbling over all his words
- can barely breathe
- P A N I C

chosen :
- "oh my god you guys i really love her."
- literally talking to the interviewer like it's his best friend
- "she's so cute, she does this thing.."

sophia :
- "she's so hot and she's funny too i really don't understand how i got her."
- "she's gonna fight you for saying that."
- "finn shut up, i'm talking about y/n."
- speaks about how important it was for her as a young female actress to come out when she was ready

a/n my mums throwing a party right now to introduce her boyfriend to everyone and his brother's kid is so cute and i know he likes it because his dad told me a couple of weeks ago so i'm gonna subtly tell my sister i'm going to watch it and pray he joins because he looks so bored and i feel bad. ALSO THIS ISNT ME TRYING TO GET WITH HIM HES GAY HAHAHA

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