preference🍒valentines day

447 9 16

finn :
- sings you a song
- buys you one of those huge bears
- posts a slide post of videos with mac playing in the back on instagram with a sappy caption

wyatt :
- draws a picture of you both with your fav pokemon
- spends the whole day watching movies, cuddling and eating candy
- just a cute day oml

jaeden :
- he couldn't be with you because he was filming so he sent you a long ass text apologising and telling you how much he loves you
- sends you a box with movies and snacks and a teddy bear
- face times you during all of his breaks

jeremy :
- takes you out for a cute lil picnic date
- gives you a bunch of kisses
- tells you how much he loves you a l l day
- you have a sleepover and when you go into your room it's filled with roses

chosen :
- the best day ever
- you go to disney
- you have a cute candle lit dinner
- he gives you a promise ring at the castle

sophia :
- no matter how much you begged her she refused to celebrate, she said it was stupid and just a way for the companies to make money
- surprised you with a trip to your favourite place
- gave you a necklace with your nickname(that she calls you) on it.

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