preference🍒your families reaction to your relaionship

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finn :
- they all love him
- your parents are a little worried for you though because they know he travels a lot
- so supportive of his career

wyatt :
- your siblings love hanging out with him
- your parents love him but think he's a bit shy

jack :
- your parents like him
- not that much though
- your brother hates him

jaeden :
- your mum thinks he's adorable
- your dad thinks he's really nice but worries a little
- your siblings have a crush on him

jeremy :
- he's your mums best friend
- your dad thinks he's hilarious
- your siblings are close with him and claim him as their own

chosen :
- they all love him
- all of them
- every single one

sophia :
- your siblings love her so much
- obsessed with her hair
- your parents think she's lovely
- your mum always gushes about how beautiful she is


my best friends boyfriend's sister has a balloon next to her name on snapchat so when i saw this i added her and i asked if she liked the it movie and she does and so we're now discussing how we were robbed of stanley's speech

(if you're reading this pretend you're not in sorry but if you confront me or tell your brother about my account i'll die)

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