preference🍒when they miss you

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finn :
- posts all the funny videos he has of you
- "my girlfriend is so funny."
- 'i miss you text me when you see this'

wyatt :
- tweets candids he's taken of you because he knows you'll tell him to delete them, starting a conversation

jack :
- texts your mum because he doesn't wanna seem needy
- asks if you're okay
- "tell her i miss her!"

jaeden :
- spam texts you
- 'talk to me.' 'i miss you.' 'facetime me'

jeremy :
- posts old pictures with sappy captions
- 'i miss you so much baby.'

chosen :
- annoys all his friends
- "guys i just miss her.'
- they all text you, telling you to talk to him because he's annoying them.

sophia :
- makes a playlist of songs you both love
- cries to it
- sends you pics of her crying to it (same)

a/n i'm so bored i want to die my mum's boyfriend is snoring so loud i can hear him but he bought me pizza so i'm happy

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