preference🍒movie date

541 11 3

finn :
- some girls notice him but you don't really mind
- super apologetic

wyatt :
- "put your money away, you're my sugar baby for a reason." "he's joking." "no i'm not."
- you're so embarrassed but the cashier just laughs

jack :
- lmao you thought you were watching a movie?
- you were wrong
- making out the whole time

jaeden :
- buys so much candy
- 100% the type to talk about the movie for the next three days, whether it be good or bad

jeremy :
- super confident
- spilled his drink on you
-"jeremy it's just a little, it's fine." "i want to die of embarrassment."

chosen :
- watches you more than the movie
- "chosen stop staring at me you weirdo." "i can't help it, you're so beautifu-"
- "we payed to watch this movie, not hear you flirting with your girlfriend.."
- you didn't talk again until you were outside away from the movies

sophia :
- laughs way too loud
- you guys get thrown out
- "i'm sorry but i had fun."

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