Chapter 1

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Savannah's POV

Today is the last day of junior year and I couldn't be more excited, I can't wait to be a senior and start getting acceptance letters from colleges and planning my whole future, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Today is the last day of school which means I have 2 more finals. My first final is English and my second is History. I decide to go to Starbucks before school, and let me tell you I'm not one of those girls that gets Starbucks everyday. It's the last day of school so I'm deciding to treat myself. My parents are very successful and we are wealthy but they have always taught me not to waste my money on pointless things. My parents don't flaunt their money around. We live in a nice house in a gated neighborhood but they make me save my money and buy my own things. I bought myself my first car which is a 2014 Chevy Cruze, which I am in love with.

I left my house at 6:45 to give me some time to go to Starbucks and make it to school on time. School starts at 7:20 so I should have enough time. I get to Starbucks at 6:57 and see there is a line, which is exactly what I was expecting so I planned ahead and ordered mine online so I just walk in and pick it up. Once I went inside I went to the spot where you pick up your drinks and I tell them I have a mobile order for Savannah and they handed me my drink and bagel. I got back in my car and drove off to school. Luckily the school isn't far from Starbucks so I won't be late.

Once I got to school I parked in the parking lot and waited for the bell to ring, usually Hayes is here before me and will get in my car once I pull in and we will sit in my car together and talk. It was already 7:05 and he is usually here already normally but the first bell to walk to class rings at 7:13 so I'm not worrying. Around 7:09 is when I saw his black Jeep pull into the parking lot and I felt a bit of relief go throughout my body even though I told myself not to worry. When he got in my car he looked frazzled and rushed.

"I'm so sorry I'm late babe, I slept past my alarm." Hayes said, while kissing my cheek.

"You don't have to apologize, you look like you just woke up and you probably didn't eat breakfast, have the rest of my bagel." I said handing him the rest of my everything bagel.

"Thank you, so are you ready for your finals today?" He asked me.

"Yes I stayed up till 3 this morning studying." I'm not going to lie, I try hard at school and I get good grades, and it's all going to pay off at the end when I get accepted into a great college. "What about you did you study?"

"I only have electives for finals today, so I have a very easy last day of school, my first final is graphic design, and my second final is video production."

The bell rang, which means it's time to get out of the car and start walking to class, today Hayes and I are walking in different directions because of finals schedule, but on regular days we walk together to our first class. Hayes and I say goodbye and kiss and go off in our different directions, Hayes is most definitely the popular kid in school and I'm not really that popular but I still have close friends.

*Skip to the end of the day*

The final bell rang of the year. I couldn't be any happier to finally be done with all the stress and dealing with all the annoying people at school for 3 months. Once I got to my car I saw Hayes waiting for my as he was leaning on my car. We park next to each other so he wasn't far from his car.

"Hey babe, how did your finals go?" Hayes asked, very excitedly.

"Mine went great! How did yours go?" I asked not being able to wipe my smile off my face knowing that Hayes Grier is my boyfriend. We've been dating for about 6 months already but little things he does makes me so happy and giddy. He makes me the happiest girl in the world and he doesn't even have to do anything.

"Mine were good, but I couldn't stop thinking about you the whole time." He said as he engulfed me into a hug and he leaned down to kiss me.

"So what are we going to do, now that it's summer?" I asked.

"Well, I was thinking we could go to your house and go swimming."

"I love that idea!" I said cheesing like a 5 year old.

"Okay I'll meet you there, I love you, bye babe." You'll most likely always hear Hayes call me babe, or Sav, unless he is really mad or serious about something.

"Bye I love you." I kissed him goodbye then I got into my white Chevy Cruze and pulled out of my parking spot and waited in the student parking lot traffic. There is a lot of kids that park in the parking lot and the problem is, most of them don't know how to drive. I've almost been hit before trying to get out of the parking lot. Once I got out of the parking lot I drive home and pulled up to my neighborhood, punched in the code then drove in, went to my house and pulled in the driveway. Hayes knows the code to get into my neighborhood so whenever he gets through the traffic he can get in.

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