Chapter 2

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Savannah's POV

Once I pulled into my driveway I put my car in park and turned of the car then started walking up the steps to my door when I saw that Hayes was not as far behind me as I thought he was. Him and his black Jeep pulled up into my driveway and parked next to my car. I waited for him to catch up to my before continuing walking to the front door. Once he caught up with me we exchanged hi's and a kiss then we proceeded to walk up to the front door and I unlocked it. When you open the door to my house you see two grande staircases one on each side of the room that lead up to the second story. Then you see the kitchen which is one big room with the living room and the dining room is a little spaced out from the other rooms. Hayes and I walked into the kitchen because we always have a after school snack.

"What are you hungry for?" I ask Hayes.

"You." He said with a smirk.

Hayes and I have been dating for over 6 months and we've had sex multiple times. The first time was special, it was my first time but not Hayes'. He knew that I was a virgin so he made sure to make it special to me. I'm not going to share the details with you, but no one was home right now, both of my parents were at work. Hayes and I started kissing which led to making out, then he started leading me to my room. I'm not going to share the details again, but once we were in the middle of having sex, I heard to garage door open, which meant one of my parents were home. My parents know that Hayes and I are dating and they love Hayes but they don't know that we have had sexual before, because my parents wanted me to wait till marriage, that's what they tried to wire in my brain when I was little, but it obviously didn't work. My mom and I are extremely close and I tell her mostly everything but I'm not telling her about Hayes and I having sex. Hayes and I scrambled to get our clothes back on. Once we were able to get dressed I heard my moms voice yell, "Savannah, Hayes I'm home, where are you guys?" Because my parents believe that I should wait till marriage my parents don't let Hayes and I be in my room with my door shut so I quickly opened the door and ran into my bathroom and acted like I was getting ready to make it look more believable.

"We're in my room Mom, I'm getting ready." I yelled back at her.

I heard her heels walking up the stairs and she walked into my room.

"Hello Hayes, it is great to see you again, are you excited about school being out?" My mom asked Hayes, who was still kind of shaken up from us almost getting caught having sex.

"Um- yeah I'm happy school is finally out." Hayes kind of stuttered.

"Well I'm glad- oh my god Savannah!" My Mom stopped mid sentence and started yelling at me, my heart stopped not knowing if she figured out what was going on. "I can't believe you left this morning without making your bed. You have to be ashamed of yourself especially with your boyfriend over seeing your room like this." My heart was beating out of my chest but I was still relieved that she didn't put the pieces together.

"I'm sorry Mom, I rushed out of the house this morning to get to school on time." My parents and I have a great relationship but they do have me at a very high standard.

"You should be apologizing to Hayes, he's the one that's never seen you like this before!"

"You're right, I'm sorry Hayes for me leaving my room a disaster and having you see it like this." Hayes looked at me and winked.

"It's okay it's really not that bad."

My mom just rolled her eyes at me. "Well since today is the last day of school I figured you two would like a after school treat so I brought you two home, Chick-fil-A." Hayes and I both thanked her because she never lets me eat fast food, every day she cooks my dad and I ever meal possible depending on what times we are at home. Hayes and I went downstairs with my mom and we sat at the island eating our Chick-fil-A.

Hayes stayed for a couple of more hours, and we ended up not even swimming, we just hung out the whole time. Then around 5 Hayes decided to go home. Once Hayes left my mom came into my room. She looked very serious and it made me kind of nervous.

"Savannah?" My Mom asked me.

"Yes Mom?"

"We need to talk about something. Since you are 16 and you have a boyfriend I think it is time for you to go on birth control. Now I'm not putting you on birth control to give you and Hayes a free pass to have sex whenever you want. I just want you to be safe and depending on if you wait till marriage or if you decide to start having sex now, I don't want any grand babies anytime soon. Do you hear me?"

"Yes." I was so scared that she was going to ask if Hayes and I have had sex before, but it looks like she might not ask me.

"Okay you have a doctors appointment tomorrow to get put on birth control."

"Okay, what time?"

"1 o'clock"


Right as my mom was walking out she turned around and asked exactly the thing I never wanted to hear come out of my moms mouth.

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