Chapter 4

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Hayes POV

I answer the FaceTime call and decided I'm not going to bring it up to Sav until I make a decision on what I am doing.

"Hey babe what's up?" I say trying to act as happy as I can be knowing I might move across the country from my girlfriend.

"Dinner went horribly. I'm grounded for 2 weeks."

"What?!?!? What happened."

"My Mom ratted me out and told my dad at the dinner table that you and I were in my room by ourselves and I got in trouble because I was breaking the rules and now I'm grounded. I don't even want to know what would happen if my dad found out that we have had sex before."

"Oh my god, so we can't see each other for 2 weeks?" I asked panicky, I can't stop thinking of the decision I have to make on wether or not I'm moving to L.A. or not.

"I can probably sneak out of the house and go to your house during the day while my parents are at work." Sav said with a smirk on her face.

"Okay, Hey babe I have to go. I'm sorry."

"Is everything okay?" Sav sounded worried, I hope she doesn't overthink this.

"Yes babe, everything is fine, I just need to go dinner." Smooth Hayes, that didn't sound sketchy at all.

"Okay well I love you, and your sure everything okay?"

"Yes I'm positive, I love you, bye." And with that I hung up. I fall on to my bed and just start thinking about life. If I stay in North Carolina I will get to continue my life normally just like it is right now. But if I move to L.A. then everything will change. I am going to think long and hard about this decision because this is probably the biggest decision I've ever had to make in my life so far.

*3 days later*

I've been texting Sav everyday like normal, but whenever she tries to FaceTime me I always make an excuse. I'm afraid if I see her face I might change my decision. I've decided I'm going to move to L.A. I haven't told Steve yet or Sav, and I don't even know how to tell her. I need to tell her in person but it's hard with her being grounded. I might have to have her sneak over to my house while her parents are at work so I can tell her what is going on in my life. I hope she is okay with my decision, I mean if she really loves me, she would want what's best for me. I've decided it's time to call Steve and tell him the news, I know he will be excited.

"Hey Hayes, I've been anxiously waiting for your call. Have you made a decision on what you're going to be doing?" Steve answered right away.

"Hey Steve, yes, after consideration, I have decided to move out to L.A."

"That is amazing! I knew you would make the right choice. So is it possible for you to move out here by the end of the month?" Hearing Steve say that shattered my heart. The end of the month is only 2 weeks away. To think that I only have 2 weeks left of being able to go to Sav's house whenever I want to almost makes me reconsider my decision.

"Wait I only have 2 weeks to pack up everything and say goodbye to everyone?"

"Well I want you out here sooner than later so we can start booking you jobs, there are amazing opportunities out here right now that you can pass up. I need you out here as soon as possible to start off by getting your name out there."

"Um yeah. I guess, if that's what you think is best for my career I can be out there by the end of the month."

"Okay thank you so much Hayes, I will be in touch."

"Yeah, bye." I can't believe this. I don't know how to break the news to Sav. I need to tell her as soon as possible so we can enjoy our last weeks together. I just hope to god that she doesn't break up with me, I am willing to have a long distance relationship, I just hope she is too. I need to call her right now.

"Hey babe." I say once she answers the phone.

"Hey finally we get to FaceTime. I feel like I haven't seen your face in forever." If my heart wasn't broken enough to begin with, it's been stepped on again.

"Yeah, can we meet at the plaza by the fountain right now?"

"Um yeah, I can meet you there right now, is everything okay?"

"Um yeah, I just need to talk to you about something."

"Okay I'll meet you there, I love you"

"I love you too"

I got into my car and got to the fountain before Sav because I live a lot closer to it than she does. The fountain is where I asked Sav to be my girlfriend over 6 months ago. This place is very special in my heart and I've always loved it. I saw Sav pull up in her white Chevy Cruze and I saw her get out of her car. I walked over to her and kissed her and said hi and that it was great to see her. We intertwined our fingers together, holding hands and walking towards the fountain. I knew I didn't want to keep walking towards the fountain because I would have to break the news to her and I didn't want to. But she has to know.

"Sav you know how much I love you don't you?" I started out by asking.

"Yes I do, and now your starting to worry me."

"Well I was offered a deal with a manager in L.A. to move out there so I could start landing jobs and get my name out there. And I accepted the offer."

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