Chapter 7

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Savannah's POV

After the whole discussion my parents and I just had, I walked up stairs and I tried to decide wether or not to tell Hayes that I'm going with him to Los Angeles. I still can't believe my parents would let me travel to the other side of the country with my boyfriend. I think I'm going to wait a little bit longer and maybe then I'll tell him, but for now I want to keep it a surprise. I check my phone and see that my best friend Alexia texted me, I call her Lexi for short.

Lexi: Hey what's up?

Sav: Right now, nothing much, but you have a lot of catching up to do...

Lexi: can I come over?

Sav: yeah! I can come pick you up right now!

Lexi: okay sounds great!

Sav: bring your swimsuit so we can go in the spa!

Lexi: 👍🏼

I walk downstairs and I asked my parents if it was okay if Lexi came over and we went in the spa, they said yes, of course because they love Lexi like she's another daughter, and I told them I was leaving to go pick her up. Lexi lives about 5 minutes away from me so it's not that big of a deal for me to pick her up. I pull into her driveway and turn off the car, then I walk up to her door and just walk in because we have known each other since birth so it's not that big of a deal.

"Lexi, I'm here." I yell.

"Okay I'm in my room." I hear Lexi yell from upstairs.

"Hey stranger, I feel like you haven't been over here in forever." Lexi's mom says to me.

"Hey Cindy, I know whenever Lexi and I hangout we never really come over here anymore! Is George home?" George is Lexi's dad.

"Is that my adopted daughter I hear?" I hear George yell from the office. I walk into their home office and see George working at his desk.

"I've missed you George!"

"I've missed you to! So what are you two doing tonight? Are you hanging out here or going back to your house?" George asked me.

"We are going back to my house and we are going in the spa."

"Okay, you better say bye to me when you two leave, but Lexi is in her room."

"Okay, I'll be back to say bye to you George!" I say as I walk out of the office and up the stairs into Lexi's room.

"Hey girl!" I say to Lexi as she is putting on her makeup in her vanity mirror. "Why are you doing your makeup we are going hot tubbing?"

"Yes, we are going hot tubbing...but there is a party tonight and let me tell you I need to get drunk and just get away from everything that is going on in my life right now, maybe make out with someone, maybe do some other stuff..." Lexi said.

"Okay I totally agree about the getting drunk part and making out with someone as long as my someone is Hayes. I need to catch you up with some much that is going on in my life. Going to this party tonight will be a good idea."

"What's going on in your life right now?"

"Well its a lot to explain so are you almost done with your makeup and we can go get some food and sit in my car and talk?"

"Yes just give me 5 minutes and I will be done!"

"Okay" Five minutes passed and we were already walking out the door and we said goodbye to her parents and got into my car. "What do you want to eat?" I asked Lexi.

"I'm down for some in-n-out."

"Same, even though we both know that's what we will be having later tonight also as our middle of the night drunk meal." We both laughed and I drove off towards in-n-out. I explained to Lexi everything about me first being grounded, then getting put on birth control, then finding out Hayes is moving to Los Angeles, and then finally saying how my parents are letting me go with him for one week but he doesn't know yet.

"Holy shit, we talk everyday at but you never told me what was actually going on in your life!" Lexi said surprised.

"Well I wanted to tell you in person because first of all it's a lot to explain and it's too much of a hassle to type it all out and text it to you, and two it gives us a reason to hangout!"

We eventually ordered our food and went back to my house to eat it, we brought our food upstairs to my room and ate it. After eating we put our swimsuits on and got in the hot tub. The party doesn't start til 10 and it's currently 7:30 so we have a while to hangout before.

"Hey Sav...I have something I have to tell you." Lexi said.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Well remember the guy I was talking to? His name was Jake."


"Well we were talking for a while and one day he picked me up for us to hangout, and we went somewhere, I don't remember where because it was some place in the country and we were making out, then we had sex and he took me home and he totally ghosted me. That happened on the last day of school, so a couple of days ago..." Lexi said.

"Lexi you lost your virginity?!?!?" I screamed semi quietly because I didn't want my parents to hear.

"Yes! I seriously hate Jake. That's why I want to go to this party tonight and forget about him."

Obviously Lexi and I being best friends I asked her if she liked it and I'll spare you guys the details. We stayed in the hot tub for a while just talking about random stuff that came into our minds. We decided to get out and start getting ready, I got in the shower and washed all the chlorine off my body, but I didn't wash my hair. Once I got out I started doing my makeup and Lexi got in the shower and also didn't wash her hair. Luckily for Lexi she had already done her makeup while we were at her house so she didn't really have to do much. Hayes and I were texting as I was putting on my makeup and he said he would drive us to the party and be our DD. Hayes said he would leave his house in about 15 minutes to come to my house and hangout a little before the party. Hayes and Lexi get along well and I never try to make Lexi feel as if she's third wheeling. I asked her if it's okay if Hayes comes over, she was okay with it. Lexi turned off the shower and came out in her towel and she borrowed some of my clothes for the party. Lexi was wearing a strapless sweetheart neckline white cropped shirt, with a burgundy cardigan and denim shorts, I am wearing a grey halter crop top with denim shorts. I lightly curled my hair not perfectly, I made it look more like beach curls and Lexi put her hair up in a super cute messy bun, which I am always jealous of when girls are confident enough to go out in public with their hair up. My ears stick out from my head, not very bad but they don't look like normal peoples so I'm always self conscious of my ears and I hate having my hair up in public, I only do it around people I know and even then I still hate doing it. In the middle of me curling my hair I heard the doorbell ring and my mom yelled "I'll get it!"

"Hellos Hayes, I didn't know you were coming by. What a pleasant surprise." My mom said to Hayes.

Hayes said hello back then walked upstairs to my room and said hello to Lexi and I and gave me a kiss. It was currently 10 but we don't want to show up this early because it would be lame while not everyone is there and people are still arriving. We are going to leave my house at 10:30 and I live about 15 minutes from where the party is. I was still in the bathroom curling my hair, Lexi was sitting in my chair in the corner of the room by my window. Every time she comes over she sits in that chair because she loves how comfy it is. After some time had passed by we decided to leave for the party.


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