Chapter 5

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Savannah's POV

Hearing him say that broke my heart. But I also wanted to be happy for him. He's worked hard in life and deserves this. I can't even say anything, but I have to say something.

"I'm so proud of you." I say trying to hold back my tears.

"Babe I swear I'm going to make it all work out. I will be working in L.A. but I promise I will always find time to text and FaceTime you everyday!"

"It sounds like you are finally going to live out your dream, and I've never been happier for you." I say on the verge of tears.

"Babe don't cry, everything is going to be okay. We are going to make these next two weeks the best of our lives." Hayes said engulfing me in a hug.

"Wait. What do you mean next two weeks?"

"Babe, I'm moving out to L.A. at the end of this month, so in two weeks."

"What?" I couldn't hold back my tears anymore I was bawling out in public, people were staring at me but I don't care.

"Babe come on," Hayes led me to his Jeep and opened the door for me and drove me to his house. When we got into his house him Mom, Elizabeth, was there and she saw me already crying and she engulfed me in a hug knowing what news I just found out, she told me everything was going to be okay. Hayes and I walked upstairs into his room and we layed on his bed. We spent most of the day laying on his bed and me laying on top of Hayes crying my eyes out and Hayes holding onto me tight, making me feel secure in his arms.

"Oh shit! It's already 3! My mom is going to be home soon! I need to get home before she notices I'm not there!" I said in a panic.

"Okay bye babe. Text me when you get home. I love you."

"Okay, bye I love you." I said with a kiss.

I drove home as fast as I could trying to beat my mom. Once I pulled up the the gate I punched in the 4-digit code, and drove around the neighborhood, into my driveway. I walked up to the front door, unlocked it, and didn't hear anything. All I could think was thank god. I ran upstairs and laid in my bed and started going on my phone. Less than 5 minutes later I heard the garage door open and then heard my mother yell "Savannah I'm home". I yelled back "Okay" I heard her footprints walking up the stairs, followed by my door opening, revealing my mother's face.

"Hey Savannah, I talked to Elizabeth today..." My Mom started. All I can think is, oh god I'm going to get grounded for even longer and I'm not going to be able to see Hayes before he leaves.

"Let me guess, I'm grounded for even longer now."

"No, she told me the scenario, and to be completely honest, if you would have asked me if you could have hung out with Hayes I would have allowed you to do so. I'm sorry that I told your father and got you in trouble. I didn't mean for him to ground you. I was hoping he would realize that you are responsible enough so that we could loosen the rules because you are getting older now. But you are his baby and as much as he loves Hayes, he doesn't want anything to happen to you. And now I am getting off topic, but I'm trying to say that you are no longer grounded, you and Hayes get to spend these next two weeks together. Okay?"

"Thank you so much Mom!" I said while almost tackling her in a hug. I FaceTimed Hayes and told him the good news, he was very excited. We made plans for him to come over tomorrow and go swimming...and actually swim this time.

*Next Day*

I woke up around 11, because it is now summer and I am staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning every day so I like to sleep in. I texted Hayes when I woke up and he replied shortly after. Hayes said he would come over around 12:30.

Hayes POV

Yesterday after Sav left my house I decided to go shopping to get her a promise ring, since I will be going to L.A. I wanted to get her something that she will always wear and whenever she looks at, will think of me. I didn't get her the promise ring because I don't trust her, and I will make sure she knows that when I give her the ring. It is now 12 and Sav lives about 20 minutes away from my house so I decided to put on my swim trunks and I put on a muscle shirt and looked for my shoes. I made myself a little snack and ate it and by then it was time for me to leave to go to Sav's house.

I walked up to Sav's front door and she answered with her beautiful smile, she was wearing her bikini but she had a loose tank top on also. I hugged her and gave her a kiss and walked in.

"Okay Sav, I bought something for you, for you to wear everyday, and think of me whenever you look at it."

"Oh my god babe, you didn't have to get my anything!"

"Well, I wanted to get you this promise ring-" I said while opening the box with the ring in it. "I trust you completely to not cheat or do anything while I'm in L.A. but I just thought you would like to be able to look at this everyday and think of me." By now Sav was in tears. I felt bad because it's making me realize I'm leaving the love of my life and moving across the country, I just hope this is all worth it.

"Hayes, I love it so much, and I love you so much." She kissed me so passionately it was almost as if they world stopped. I didn't want her to pull away and I knew I wasn't going to pull away. We started making out passionately. This is going to end just like it did last time we said we were going swimming.

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