Chapter 8

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Savannah's POV

We pulled up to the party and there was a good amount of people there already. We walked through the front door and greeted some of our friends that we saw there.

"i'm going to go get you guys something to drink." Hayes said to Lexi and I while we were talking to our friends.

"Okay thanks babe."

A few moments later Hayes walked back over to us with 2 red solo cups in his hand and he gave us our drinks.

"Okay we will catch up with you guys later" I said.

We walked to the backyard of the house where Hayes met up with his best friend, Tez. We all just hung out and talked then Lexi and I decided to go back inside because we were cold. We left Hayes and Tez outside so they could catch up about Hayes is moving to LA. When we got back into the house we saw some girls that go to our school that think their shit don't stink. Sabrina, and Courtney are the epitome of drama. They were off talking to some boys so we were hoping we wouldn't have to cross paths with them at all tonight, but one can only hope so much. Eventually Sabrina and Courtney came over to us.

"I heard your little boyfriend is moving to Los Angeles?" Sabrina said.

"Yeah he is! He's going to get so many opportunities out their and I can't wait for everything he will do out there!" I tried to say as nicely as possible.

"More like everyone he will do out there!" Sabrina said making her and Courtney bust up laughing. "Come on, you don't actually believe that your famous boyfriend is going to go out to LA while you're on the other side of the country and wait to hook up with you every few months whenever you come to visit him right? Well good news is that Courtney and I are moving out there for the summer and so maybe we will meet up with Hayes sometimes and Courtney's dream could come true of getting with him."

"You don't have a chance, I know my boyfriend well enough to know that he would never even look your way if he saw you in LA, and I sure hope you get a boyfriend soon Sabrina, because then you can focus on your own life and not be so intrigued with other people's lives."

"Ooh looks like little smarty pants is getting feisty." Courtney said.

Hayes and Tez walked back in just at the heat of our conversation and luckily saved us.

"Hey, what are you girls talking about?" Hayes asked me while grabbing my hand.

"Nothing, guys lets go get some more drinks." I said.

"God I hate her so much." Lexi said.

"What did she do?" Hayes asked concerned.

"Sabrina's just being herself, and I let her get to me."

"Well don't worry, I'll make you a strong drink this time." Hayes said to me with a wink.

The rest of the night was fun but it was the type of fun that is in the moment fun. If I were to explain it you would just get bored with all the little detail so I'll just skip over the non important parts. Lexi and I continued to get drunk and eventually Lexi met a really cute guy and they walked outside to "talk" but i'll get more details later of what really happened. Then the party was getting really lame so we decided to leave around 1 and Hayes drove Lexi back to her house then he drove me home. Me of course being drunk when we pulled into my driveway I was thanking Hayes for driving me home but it then turned into a very sloppy make out session that excelled into other things, but we didn't get carried away. Eventually I managed to stumble out of Hayes' jeep up to my front door and I got into my house and tried to get to my room as quietly as I could. My parents knew I was going to a party and they don't care if I drink as long as a I have a DD but I didn't want to rudely wake them up at 2 in the morning. I took off my make up and brushed my teeth and passed out in my bed, knowing that i was going to have a rough morning the next day.

*Next Morning*

I woke up feeling miserable with an outrageously pounding headache and feeling like I was going to throw up, so I walked over to the bathroom and well it was a rough hour, especially considering that fact that it was 8 in the morning.

After throwing up and feeling miserable my adorably dog, Spike came and jumped in my bed with me and we cuddled and fell back asleep together. I woke back up to hear the doorbell ring and Spike barking. I walked downstairs in my robe and very confused, I opened the door to see Hayes at the door with Jack in the Box for me. (btw best hangover food)

"How did you know to get me Jack in the Box? And what time is it?" I asked.

"Well since I've known you forever I know pretty much everything about you, and it is 12:30.

"I love you so much. I'm marrying you one day."

"I can't wait for that day." Hayes said while leaning down to kiss me. After I ate my Jack in the Box we cuddled in my bed and watched some netflix because I was still not feeling the greatest.


I am truly sorry for forgetting about this story, I feel like i've done this so many times already even though i'm only on the 8th chapter...oh well, I have good news! I have a story line of where I want this to go so as long as I stay on top of it and write these chapters then I will be really proud of myself for finally finishing a story. But is anyone still reading this story or did you give up on me?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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