Chapter 1

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~Kyle's POV~
It was the first day of school as I was walking on the way to the bus stop. I had my favorite bright green hat on over my red curly hair and my orange jacket on that I wear everyday. Once I get close enough, I see the bus stop sign and three boys waiting that I immediately know once I get a glance at them. There they were, Cartman, Kenny, and...Stan. Stan always seemed different than the other two. He had the prettiest eyes, pitch black hair, and wore a brown jacket with a blue and red hat on his head every day. I don't understand why he wears a hat because he had the prettiest hair.

As I get up the the bus stop, I say to them, "Good morning!" They all say good morning back as I say to Cartman, "Good morning, fatty."

Everyone is laughing except for Cartman who angrily says, "Thanks, Jewboy."

Everyone bursts out laughing as the bus arrives at the bus stop. We all get on the bus and I sit next to Stan as always. Cartman and Kenny sit in the bus seat in front of us on the way to school. Cartman is a chubby kid who wears a light blue and yellow hat with a red jacket and he is very rude. Kenny wears all orange and always has his hood on so his words are always muffled. Only me, Stan, and Cartman can understand what he says. The bus stops again as Tweek and Craig get on the bus and sit in a seat, holding hands. I almost forgot they were together. That's right, they're homosexuals. Craig wore a blue jacket with a blue and yellow hat and had black hair just like Stan's. Tweek had blonde hair that was all over the place and a green button up shirt, only the buttons were all in the wrong places. We arrive at the school, and we go to our lockers and get to our class.

We sit in class, and I notice Stan looking over at Wendy. I then remember that he has a crush on her. I always get jealous of Stan liking Wendy because I...well...have a crush on Stan. It may be weird but I do. I've liked Stan ever since the end of 7th grade and I don't know how to tell him because he'll probably hate me if I do. Tears well up in my eyes just thinking about me and Stan not being best friends. Soon the bell rings and we go to lunch. Me, Stan, Kenny, and Cartman are waiting to get our lunches as Stan says, "She's so pretty."

I snap my fingers in front of his face and I say, "Snap out of it Stan!"

He quickly snaps out of it as we get our lunches and we go sit at the table. I sit next to Stan and Cartman sits next to Kenny. There is a silence for a while as we eat then Cartman breaks it by saying, "You know guys, I'm having a party tomorrow night if you guys wanna come. All of you are invited."

"I'll come!" Stan says excitedly.

"I'll go, too!" I say knowing that Stan will be there.

Kenny unzips his hood to say, "I'll go as well."

Cartman says happily, "That's great you guys! I also invited Tweek and Craig to the party. I don't know why I invited them but let's just hope they don't do any gay stuff."

We put our trays up and head out to recess. I have to talk to Craig about confessing my love to Stan because I feel like he will understand. Cartman, Stan, and Kenny go play football while I go over to Craig who is on a swing. I sit in the swing next to him and ask him, "Craig, can I come over to your place after school to tell you something...important?"

"I don't see why not," he says.

"Great! See you after school Craig!" I say cheerfully. He smiles and waves goodbye. The bell rings as we head back to class and finish the day. When the school day is over, I walk with Craig to his house as we go upstairs to his room and sit on his bed.

"What is it that you need to talk to me about?" he asks.

I say, "'s kind of weird."

Craig puts a hand on my shoulder and says comfortingly, "Kyle, you can tell me anything."

"Ok. Here goes nothing. I like Stan. Like, like like him. I want to tell him but I'm afraid he'll freak out and we'll never be friends again." I say, tears welling up in my eyes just at the thought.

"You need to find a good time and place to tell him. Let me think...Oh! I have a perfect idea! You can tell him at Cartman's party tomorrow!" he says to me.

"Ok. That seems like a reasonable time and place. I've just got to have courage now." I say determined. Before I leave, I say worriedly, "Hey Craig? Can you not...tell anyone?"

"You have my word, Kyle." he says assuring.

~Stan's POV~
(Time skip to the next day)

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock as I get dressed and head to the bus stop. I see Cartman, Kenny, and...Kyle. I kind of loved Kyle but I don't know if I like him in a friend way or a couple way. He was really cute because of his freckles and his curly red hair. I immediately look at Kyle and he has a sad look on his face. I ask him, "What's wrong, Kyle? You look sad."

He immediately puts on a fake smile, "No. I'm not sad. I'm really excited about the party tonight."

We get on the bus as it arrives and we sit in our normal seats. The bus ride is quiet and I see Kyle looking out the window and he still looks sad. Wonder what is making him sad. We arrive at the school, go to our lockers, and go to class. We sit through class until the lunch bell rings and Kyle walks sadly to the cafeteria and we all get our lunch and sit at the table. The whole lunch period is awkwardly quiet as we finish up and head out to recess. Kyle goes over and sits on the bench by himself. Poor Kyle. I wonder what he's going through.

What do you guys think? Leave down in the comments your feedback and tell me if you liked it or not! Update coming soon!! :)

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