Chapter 8

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~Stan's POV~
I'm trying to think of who this person could be. I'm watching Terrance and Philip while Kyle is asleep in my arms. He's cute, I've got to admit. Without the cuts and bruises now formed on his skin. Whoever it is that is hurting MY Kyle, they are going to get a nice beat down by the quarterback of the South Park Elementary Cows himself, Stanley Marsh.

Kyle wakes up slowly and rubs his eyes. He looks up at me and says, "Stan, how long was I asleep?"

"About a good...half hour?" I say, unsure of what time it is.

"I have a headache and my stomach hurts..." He says and lays his head on my shoulder. I play with his hair.

"You want me to go get some Advil from the medicine cabinet? It'll help with the pain." I said and he slowly nodded. I slowly got up, making sure to keep Kyle comfortable and carefully laid his head down on a pillow. He looks up at me and I look in his emerald green eyes as he does the same with my dark brown eyes. I can tell by his eyes that he is feeling pain and sadness but he has a resting smile that says 'I'm fine'.

I cup his cheeks with my hands and bend down to kiss his nose to make him giggle. I chuckle a little as I move some of the bangs out of his face to reveal a cut along with a bruise. I kiss all of the spots on his face that have been damaged and he says while in a fit of laughter, "It tickles Stan, stop!"

"I've got to make it feel better!" I kiss little spots on his face even though they weren't injured, just because I love him. I go to the medicine cabinet to grab some Advil and a glass of water.

"Here ya go Ky. This should do the trick. Say ah..." I say, getting ready to put the pills in his mouth.

"Aaaaahhh" He says pitifully and quietly and barely opens up his mouth for me to drop the pills in. He drinks the glass of water until he sticks his tongue out to show the pills are gone. He lays back in my lap as we cuddle up and just sit there for a moment in silence. Not an awkward silence, just an in love silence.

I wake up as the lights are still on and I wonder if it's morning yet. I was right, but it was 2:30 in the morning. I look at Kyle, peacefully sleeping in my lap with his arms and legs hugging around me. I lift up his shirt to see how his bruises are doing. Still black and blue and swollen. I kiss the spot and Kyle screams out in pain and wakes up due to the pain.

"Kyle, are you ok?" I say and lift his chin up to my face. He has tears in his eyes. I hug him closer, "Don't cry Kyle, I'm sorry. I was trying to make it feel better but it just made it hurt worse." I rubbed my finger where the spot was on his stomach leading up to his chest. He blushed a little and to tell you the truth I did too.

"It hurts Stan. It hurts!" He yells and violently pushes my hand away from the bruise. He knows I have anger issues but I guess he and I both snapped.

"WELL IM JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU KYLE. DO YOU WANT ME TO HELP YOU OR NOT. PICK. ONE!!" I spat in his face as he moved farther and farther away from me and held a pillow close to him as in pretty sure he was now crying. "Kyle, I didn't mean to yell at you. You just got me angry."

I brought him into a hug. "It's not much that you yelled at me but much that I caused it...I should be the one to apologize..." he said and looked down.

"Don't be sorry. It's just, I have anger issues and it leads me to do bad things." I say and he nods. We cuddle for a little while and he yawns. "Kyle, are you tired?" I say and lift his head up for a bit. He nods his head and rubs his eyes. "Get some sleep. You don't have to stay awake for me." He nods again and closes his eyes. He falls asleep in about the time of 5 minutes.

I change the channels for something else to watch and am bored so I just watch Red Racer. I watch Red Racer for a bit until I'm woken up by Kyle who is now crying his eyes out as I quickly go to comfort him.

~Kyle's POV~
I fall asleep and then the darkness of my eyes changes to a different scene.

I have my cuts and bruises still on me but I'm walking back home from school but this time to Stan's house. I hear footsteps and I am suddenly tackled to the ground by a mysterious figure. He punches and kicks me until I'm screaming and crying and then picks me up and the hood of the figure falls and it turns out to be....Stan Marsh.

"I never loved you Kyle because you're a filthy, dirty, no-good, selfish gay." I start crying at this comment and then he throws me really hard into a tree and instantly everything turns black as I hear bones cracking.

I jolt up and start crying and look at Stan who's holding me and instantly run upstairs to a room and lock myself in. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs as I ball up in a corner and cry. Someone knocks on the door and I'm figuring it's Stan so I cry harder. "It's just me Kyle, don't cry. Let me come in, please." I stay there and I'm guessing he unlocked it with a key.

He comes closer to me and I put my arms in front of my body as a shield and shake. I can't do anything else so I just except my fate and stay there shaking and crying. He hugs me as I jump at the thought that he was going to hit me. He scoots me onto his lap and rocks me. "What happened Kyle?" He asked me, looking at me with worry in his face.

"I t-thought y-you were go-onna hu-hu-hurt me." I continued to cry into Stan.

"Kyle, listen to my words. I would never, ever hurt you. You are my best friend, well, boyfriend now. You are the most precious thing that I've ever met and I would never even think about laying a hand on you. I bet it was just a nightmare so just calm down, and breathe." He said to me and I calmed down a bit but still cried.

"You said that I was a filthy, dirty, no-good, selfish gay." I said and Stan's face turned from worry to shock.

"Kyle now I KNOW this was a nightmare. I wouldn't think or put the thought in my head of calling you any of those things, ok? And if it makes you feel better, I'm gay too. But only gay for you." He said and he carried me to his bed since we were in his room. He turned off the lights and climbed in with me. "Hey Kyle?"

"Yeah Stan?"

"I love you, remember that" he said and held me tighter.

"I will. I love you too Stan." He kisses my nose then the top of my head. I love Stan so much. I will only be gay for him. He is my one and my only.

Hey everyone reading this! How was it! I know I haven't updated in a while so some things will be off but if I use profanity in some chapters, please don't be offended! I love you all!!! :)

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