Chapter 9

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~Kyle's POV~
I wake up the next morning with the biggest headache but shake it off once I pop in some more Advil from the medicine cabinet. I'm pretty sure it's been six hours so I should be fine. I head down the steps after brushing my teeth and dressing into some jeans, a Terrance and Philip shirt, my signature orange jacket and green hat, and some high top black converse.

I go to make breakfast for me and Stan. Even though we are in 6th grade, I learned how to cook basic meals like eggs, pancakes, and how to cook bacon. I'm feeling a lot better this morning. My bruises and cuts have gotten better. That punch to the jaw still hurts though. My whole mouth is sore. It's like the pain you get when you bite your tongue, but way worse. I'm in the middle of turning over the bacon and I feel arms wrap around my waist. "Good morning, baby." He kisses my head since he's taller than me.

"Also to you, sweetheart." I reach back, grab his face, and slam my lips onto his. Stan gasps and tenses up but soon calmed down and melted into the kiss. I turned my head to deepen the kiss. I'm surprised my neck hasn't broken off yet. I pull away and turn back around to pull off the bacon from the pan.

"Someone's eager~" Stan says and sits down. I roll my eyes and quickly make some scrambled eggs. I set the table with everything I made and some toppings to go along with the pancakes. I sit down after Stan and I make a plate for each of us. Stan takes a bite and says, "Wow, Ky! This is really good! Where'd you learn how to cook like that?"

"My mom. She taught me and I got the hang of it pretty quickly." I said and he nodded as we ate in pretty much silence. Stan was stuffing his face with more pancakes but as for me, I barely ate anything. I had two slices of bacon and I couldn't eat anymore than that. I started to clean up and Stan looked confused.

"Why didn't you eat much? All you ate was a slice of bacon." Stan asked. I don't want to worry him.

"I'm just not hungry, that's all! I'm fine." I smile at him and he smiles back.

"If you say so..." Stan says and finished his plate. I went to go and grab it but he says, "No no, I've got it. I'll help you." He gets his plate and cup and cleans his plate as he puts both in the sink. He helps me put away the rest of the food for leftovers and puts away the drinks and everything.

"Thanks for helping me, Stan." I kiss his cheek and go to sit down.

"You're welcome, cupcake." He says and I look at him confused.

"Cupcake?!" I say and snicker a bit.

"What? I'm running out of pet names, ok!" He says and chuckles. "You wanna do something today?" He asks.

I climb in his lap as he puts his arms around me. "I don't know..." I say, unsure whether 'he' will be outside waiting for me.

"Cmon, Ky, it'll be fun! Where do you wanna go, my treat." Stan said and I thought about where I wanted to go since I knew he wasn't going to shut up about it.

"Uuuhhh...wanna go to the park, and then out for a movie?" He stops and thinks for a minute and I start to get worried if that would be to much to ask. "I'm sorry if that's to much I-"

"No no, it's fine. I like that idea. What movie?" Stan asks and I think for a minute.

" about...The First Purge?" I said because I've honestly been wanting to see that movie ever since it came out about one or two weeks ago.

" long as that's not too scary for you, Ky." Stan says.

"No I'll be fine." I said as he got dressed and brushed his teeth and fixed his hair. He slipped on some Vans and we headed out the door after grabbing our phones and wallets. As we are walking, I hear a rustle in the bushes and I start to look around. I see the same black jacket, just watching our every move. I don't hesitate to take action— action I mean jumping into Stan's arms and screaming.

"Kyle? Is something bothering you?" Stan asks and looks at me, still holding me.

"No I'm fine! Im fine! You're fine! Everything and everyone is fine!!" I say and laugh nervously. Stan sighs as we are right by Starks Pond so he sits me down on the bench.

"Kyle, is it 'him' that's bothering you?" Stan asked me. How does he know??

"*sigh*...yeah, actually. I saw him in the bushes watching us and I was too much of a sissy to take action..." I say and rub the back of my neck.

"Kyle. One, you are not a sissy, and two, why didn't you tell me so I could catch this bastard with my bare hands." He tensed up and clenched his fists.

"Stan calm down, it's ok. I'm fine now and back to normal after this whole coming out thing and the beating up thing and we are both fine."

He starts tearing up. "But you're hurt, Ky. He hurt you physically and I don't want that to happen again." I hug him.

"Oh Stan...listen to my words. I love you to the moon and back. Even if he does hurt either one of us, he's not going down without a fight. But until then, everything will be alright, ok?" I said to him as he slowly nodded and I lifted his head up to see mine as I saw hot tears running down his cheeks. I wiped them away and kissed his forehead. His nose was pink and his eyes were also a shade of red. He looked up and smiled weakly at me. I smiled back. "You feel better now?" I ask him.

He nods. "Yeah...I guess I'm just afraid I won't be strong enough to fight back to this guy. I want you to be safe."

"Aw Stan. I'll be safe. Don't worry about me." I said and he gave me a worried look.

"Kyle, I'll be worried about you till the day I die." He said and I blushed.

"Im flattered, Stan, I truly am. I love you." I said and I kissed his forehead once more.

"I love you too, Ky." He said and added, "We should head to the park, it's almost 11:00 in the morning." I nod as we head to the park hand in hand.

Hey guys! I updated it! It had some curse words in it but it went along with the storyline so I guess everything went well. Except for almost having a mental breakdown. I had the whole day written out in this chapter and I hit something and it deleted it all except for this part and it's almost midnight while writing this and I have school in the morning so I'm just gonna leave it here. Anyways, hope you guys liked it!! :)

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