Lost and Found

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Jena's POV:

As I ran back to the "inn" with Paul, Ashley, and Mari trying to catch up behind me. As I ran, I smiled. Just to think that I'm stuck in my favorite video game with my friends and my favorite Youtubers. That's an experience literally nobody gets to have. As I ran up to the building, Paul, Ashley, and Mari came running up behind me, breathing heavely with their hands resting in their knees, bent over in exaustion.

"Why the hell were you running?" Paul asked, slightly irritated as I threw them each a few pork chops to restore their degrading health. "Because I felt like it" I said smugly as I walked through the front door of the inn.

Jason turned around behind the desk, he looked like he was organizing one of the chests. "Did you get the food?" He asked as I went over to the food chest and pulled open the lid, placing the pork chops and apples in. "I found a little more than food" I said smiling as Paul, Ashley Marie, and Mari walked into the room, still trying to catch their breaths. "Jason, Paul, Ashley, and Mari" I said, pointing to them as I said their names.

"Mari? From Smosh?" he asked as they fist bumped. "That's me!" Mari replied smiling and putting up a peace sign with her opposite hand. Then Jason turned to Ashley. "It's nice to finally meet you Ashley! I've heard so much about you from Mitch!" He said.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, I ran over to the counter where I kept the button room keys, grabbing two from the chests and carrying them back over to the group. "Would you and Ashley like to be in the same room or differs rooms? Each room does have two beds though so..." I asked the girls, trailing off at the end as I waited for their responce.

"Um, what the hell, we'll share a room." She said smiling over at Ashley, who nodded in agreement. "Okay, here you go!" I said, throwing Ashley the stone button.

"Follow me, the room is right over here!" Jason motioned in his direction as they all walked over to room three.

"Put your stuff in your chests and come back to the lobby when you're done!" I yelled down the hallway to the girls as they both walked into the room.

I turned around to Paul to see him gazing around the vast room. I threw him the room key which caught him off guard, but after a second of fumbling to get a grip on it, he finally grabbed it with his left hand. "Paul, follow me, your room will have 3 beds, so you'll have a lot of space."

"Thanks, but why would you need extra beds?" Paul asked as he put his stuff in the chest at the foot of the bed while I leaned on the door frame.

"Well, you never know, I mean, we found you guys, there could be others..." I said, ending my statement as I left his room, closing the door behind me.

"Why do you need to see them again?" Jason asked as I walked back down the hallway to the lobby where he continued organizing.

"I need to discus the schedule for the next couple days" I said, pulling out a book and quill front he nearest chest.

"Schedule?" Jason said as Paul, Ashley, and Mari walked down the hallway.

"What's up?" Paul said as we all crowded around the front desk.

"I think as a group, a very disorganized group, we should talk about our schedule for the next couple days. If we've found each other, were bound to find others out there." I said.

"But then what will we be doing for the next couple days? We aren't even prepared, we have no armor, and very few weapons." Ashley said looking over at the supply chests.

"Exactly, that's why for the next two days to prepare for the journey. I'll be assigning jobs for each of us." I said as I opened the "memo book" that I began to make and began to read.

"Okay, Paul and Ashley, you two will be mining and smelting." I said before they high-fived.

"Next, Jason, you'll be collecting food and cooking it, plus crafting basic supplies like beds, torches, ect." I said as he smiled at me.

"Last, Mari and I will be collecting wood and helping Jason craft stuff." I said as Mari smiled and nodded in my direction.

"If we're lucky, we will find our friends and get out of this place." I said as everyone nodded.

I might have been happy, to escape all the dangers of Minecraft. But on the inside, I knew that this would be the only place where Jason and I might have a chance to be together.


Yay! My friends keep texting me:

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つUPDATE OR RIOT!

So today I decided to spend my time typing fanfiction and giving myself Carpel Tunnel (Just kidding!) instead of playing Minecraft or watching Once Upon a Time... Oh well! I'll try and post the next chapter as soon as possible, but I have a chorus concert tomorrow night so... Enjoy the chapter!

-Ssupergirl <3

(P.S. To all of you fangirls out there like me, I'm reading an awesome book right now called Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, and it is amazing! So I suggesting it to you all! Enjoy!)"

Pixled Fears (IN PROCESS OF EDITING)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat