The Plan

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Kailey's POV:

"So your saying your abusive father was the person who trapped us in here?" Mitch asked, suddenly putting his arm around my waist.

"Kailey you will not Fangirl in front of your idol, you will NOT, fangirl." I kept telling myself, pacing my breath. I snapped out of it just in time for when Preston asked the big question.

"So how the hell are we gonna get ourselves out of here?" And wasn't THAT, the question of the century.

"We kill the ender dragon, if that's how you finish the game, then that must be how we get out." She said, then taking out a book and writing in it as she spoke.

"Okay, there are going to be 3 groups, each group will be based off of who I ship you with as well as couples." She said with a joking grin in her face, but as one of her best friends, I knew that she wasn't joking.

"First off, Madison and Preston as well as Mari, and Sky will be working on crafting, and potions. That means you guys will be going to the Nether."

"Next, Noelle, Bashur, Kailey, Mitch, and Toby will be mining and smelting."

"And last, Jemma, Jason, Paul, Ashley, Jerome and I will be getting wood, food, and other stuff like ender pearls, etc."

I looked up at the sky and saw that we probobly wouldn't have that long to sleep. "I'm going to bed, there has been enough stuff today. I said, breaking the short silence before standing up and stretching my arms while everyone else nodded in agreement before heading back to the lodge.

As I walked into the building, I felt a tap on the shoulder. I spun around to see Mitch with a tired grin on his face. "Goodnight Kails" he said before giving me a quick peck on the lips before heading to his room. I spun around to see him wink at me before heading into his room, leaving me with many thoughts as I head to my room.•



No, SkydoesMinecraft

Hola guys! Yay! First real chapter that I've posted since I went to camp, and I am so very sorry for procrastinating. Seriously, if you look up the word Procrastinate in the dictionary, my account profile pic will be right next to it. During this time of procrastination, I have come up with an idea for my next fanfiction! This one will be called Shoulder Angel, here's what it's about:

"Aren't shoulder angels only in story's and books?" The Doctor asked looking over at Lila.

She looked over at him with a mischievous, but sweet grin that almost made him blush."Hasn't anyone told you Doctor? All stories are real."-

Lila Hall is a guardian angel. And yes, by guardian angel, I mean the little thing that sits on your shoulder giving you life advice. In Civitate in angelorum, aka, City Of Angels, each Guardian Angel is assigned someone to watch over at the age 20 to earn there wings. But when Lila is assigned The Doctor, a man that she only heard about in bedtime story's, she is instantly transported to the TARDIS to protect the doctor. But the thing is, there are rules to being the Guardian angel, one of the most important ones being that no Guardian Angel is allowed to form an emotional attachment to the person they are guarding and vice versa. But when they fall in love, the Doctor will do anything to be with Lila, much will be put at risk, including both of their lives, as well as there relationship.

Yea! Here it is! And if I don't procrastinate too much, a new chapter will be up as soon as possible!


(P.S. I am now accepting cover art! You can send it to me at silbert123 on kik!)

Pixled Fears (IN PROCESS OF EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora