Group Hug

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Jena's POV:

"So do you think there's-" Paul managed to say before we heard something and froze in our tracks.

"NASHUR! NASHUR! NASHUR!" We listed to before exchanging glances and running in the direction of the sound. Or in my case, grabbing Jason's hand and running in the direction of the sound.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" Ashley said before dogging a tree she almost ran into.

"No clue, but it sounded like a ship name..." I said as Mari must have gotten the message and glared over at the Melon before we both started giggling. Luckily, he didn't here us, that would have been disastrous.

As we ran closer to the source, we started hearing some people talking and laughing, it sounded... familiar? But how?

Jason put a finger to his lips and we all went silent before we moved forward.

Paul turned to me with a weird expression on his face. "This sounds weird, but don't the voices sound a bit-" he whispered before I cut him off.

"Familiar? Yea, thank god I though I was going insane!" I whispered joking.

Jason looked over to us. "One" he mouthed and we took out our weapons.

"Two" he said and we got into positions. Jason looked over at me and winked and I literally felt like I was gonna explode from happiness.

"Three!" He said, but then he did something surprising. He quickly kissed me on the cheek before dashing forward. Wait, what just happened? I was so happy, but so very confused at the same time; he likes me?!

"Cmon Jena!" Ashley said grabbing my hand and cutting off my thoughts. we dashed up to them as stealthy as possible, but one of them must have heard us and turned around with a shocked look on her face. Wait, is that Aj?

"Emma?!" She said surprised as I skid to a halt and the rest of her group.

"Oh my gods Aj!" I said dropping my sword and running up to hug her.

"Oh my gosh I've missed- wait, is that Brandon?" She said, braking the hug and looking over at Bashur. I looked behind Aj to see a group of Youtubers and my friends combined. One of the girls who I didn't recognize at first gasped as she looked over at Brandon, then I realized that it must have been Noelle.

"HAHA!" Aj said turning to 2 of the boys, PrestonPlayz, and and someone else, a boy with a skin with a green tshirt and sideburns. That must have been Tobuscus. "You guys ow me $5 when we get out of here!" she said happily as they both groaned. It must have been about them finding us, or at least one of us.

For the next couple minutes, we all went around and talked to everyone to get to know them or to catch up on recent events. Aj and Mari were talking to each other, Jason and Sky were talking, Noelle was shyly talking to Bashur, Haliey was talking to Mitch and Ashley, and everyone else was just talking in there own little groups. I finally got to talk to Madison after all these years.

I couldn't be happier. We were finally all together, and now we have a better chance of getting out of here, until Aj shared the news.

She put down a wood plank block to stand on, them screamed at the top of her lungs, getting everyone's attention.

"Guys, I'm sorry to ruin the fun reunion and stuff, but, we are all in deep shit right now." She said before leading us all back to the camp sight they made to tell us what was going on.•


Hullo ssupers! Sorry for not typing for a little while, but I come with good and bad news. But I'll save best for last, so I'll start with the bad stuff. If you haven't already read my other fanfic, Down The Rabbit Hole (which I highly suggest you read!) then I shall inform you here. For the next 3 weeks I won't be able to type because of the fact that I'll be at sleep away camp and they have a stupid no phones rule.

So yea, srry bout that. BUT, (haha, butt) the good news is, when I get back, I have 4 lazy days to catch up on youtube videos, fanfiction updates, and type! So yea, I will miss you guys so much! To occupy yourselves while I'm gone, I suggest reading my friends fanfics. So if your bored, make sure to check out Metaphorsinmyhead and ThatPerfWeirdo!

I'll miss you guys!


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