Doods and Buscuses

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Kailey's POV:

"Missed us?" Said Mitch before walking onto the temporary campsite with Jerome and Adam carrying more wood.

"Hey doods" I said walking over to Mitch to help him carry some of the wood. It may be in out inventories, but it practically fell like we were wearing backpacks.

"Thanks Aj" Sky said to her, dumping all of their wood into the chest before they both went to go set up their own camp sites.

Girls had already set up their own small tent thing with their stuff in it while the boys were still midway through building theirs.

"Dood, do need help?" Aj yelled over to Adam who was a attempting to craft bows for everyone.

"Yep, I'm go- GOD DAMMIT WHY CANT I CRAFT A BOW!" Adam yelled before he started to rage.

"The bipolar thing is getting to him." I whispered to Toby who then nodded, getting the memo.

"It seems like a buscus needs help." Toby said in his what Aj called, his Gryphon voice walking over to Adam.

"What's a buscus?" Adam says looking at Toby, his right eyebrow arching above his glasses.

"It's what Toby called his fans. Like, how you call your followers the Sky Army, he calls his Audience, Buscuses, Nuggets, etc. Madison said walking out of our makeshift house.

"So..." Mitch said walking over to me. "What do we plan on doing for the rest of the night?" And at that moment Mitch held my hand. Mitch Hughs, held MY hand.

MITCH HUGHS held MY hand!!

While my inner Fangirl was exploding, and we were still holding hands while I was explaining the plan that Aj told me for the rest of this week, god I must have been blushing, A LOT, because Mitch was blushing too.

While I was talking, I saw something in the corner of my eye. Jerome was taking Aj deeper into the woods.

Mitch must have seen it too, cause he looked over where I was looking.

"What was that about?" Sky said looking over, then back at us.

"I don't know... " Madison said over next to Sky who was con fused and eating a pork chop.


Hey doods! Realizing what time it is right now, my next chapter might be pretty short. BUTS (lol, srry for that :P) i just found out that the bus ride from my house to my camp is about 40 minutes! Yay! So ill have lots of time to type :) Also, my friends right some pretty good fanfic! Not as good as me but... JK! So if you like youtubers, 1D, or Percy Jackson, get yo sexy butts over to their accounts!

Noelle- @ThatPerfWeirdo

Emma (Jema)- @Metaphorsinmyhead



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