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Banyak yang tanya harga novel yang aku jual jadi aku kasih listnya disini. Yang mau langsung message aku ya.
List Harga Novel

Agatha Christie. Rp.6500
Taken at the Flood
N or M
After the Funeral
Crooked House
And Then There Were None
The Mysterious Mr. Quin
The Hound of Death

Sandra Brown.
Shadows of Yesterday Rp.15.000
Friction. Rp.55.000
Smoke Screen Rp.50.000
Low Pressure Rp.36.000
Deadline Rp.65.000
Smash Cut Rp.50.000

Critical Eleven. Rp.60.000
Lovasket 4. Rp.15.000
Sunshine Becomes You. Rp. 65.000
Breakin Dawn (Stephenie Meyer) Rp.60.000
Strawberry Cheesecake yummylit series. Rp.27.000
Unperfect Marriage. Rp.22.000
Gallagher Girl#3 Dont Judge A Girl by Her Cover (teenlit). Rp.24.000
The Beautiful Geek. Rp.20.000
Thought Love. Rp.18.000
K-Pop Salah Gaul. Rp.10.000
Not Mine (teenlit). Rp.10.000
Brisingr (christopher Paolini) Rp.50.000

Nora Roberts.
Skin Deep Rp.45.000
Tribute Rp.55.000

Linda Howard.
Cry No More Rp.30.000
Veil of Night Rp.30.000
Burn Rp.35.000

Lori Foster.
Trace of Fever Rp.15.000
Savor Danger Rp.15.000

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