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Thomas was asleep with Rosey when gunfire and explosions were heard. He knew that sound anywhere and he shot up awake. Rosey clung to Thomas, frightened because she'd never heard them this loud. Thomas kissed Rosey on her head and stroked her back to calm her.
"stay here, I'll deal with this. I love you Rosey and I want you to be safe", Thomas whispered to his mate. Rosey nodded and kissed Thomas. Thomas kissed her back before heading to the sounds. He saw humans with guns and explosives tearing their way through the Hive, killing his brothers and sisters. This made him enraged. One of the humans saw Thomas and grabbed his arm
"Come on, we're getting you out of here" He said. Thomas growled and took his arm out of the humans grip.
"I'm not going anywhere with YOU!" He shouted at them.
"So you'd rather die here than live another day? You don't understand, this place is full of monsters!" the human tried to argue. But what Thomas said next surprised them all.
"They are not monsters, they are my family. And you're SLAUGHTERING them!!!" He screamed at them, grabbing one of the humans and using his Xenomorph strength to tear them in half. The humans backed up scared as Thomas transformed into his Xenomorph form and unsheathed his blades. They tried to run, but the entrance was sealed off and they were surrounded. Thomas knocked them out and destroyed their weapons. "What shall we do with them?" Thomas' sister Nevlinae asked. Thomas thought about it. He wanted to kill them, but now the Hive was down a few members. "Kill three of them and use their corpses to feed the young. The rest will be impregnated, to replace the ones they killed",  Thomas ordered. The Xenomorphs nodded and took three to a feeding room, and the others to the impregnation chamber. Thomas smiled as he heard the screams of the humans as they were torn to pieces slowly and painfully. He hissed in satisfaction. Thomas watched as facehuggers attached themselves to the humans and folded his arms. He wasn't sure which one would have hurt more, being torn to pieces or having internal organs ruptured and the bones shattered as a new Xenomorph emerged from the chest, but he knew they hurt a lot. He smirked and left, closing the door to the chamber behind him and changing to his human form. He headed to Rosey and hugged her. Rosey purred happily and hugged him. The two of them suddenly placed a hand on their heads. Flaitheas was calling them. They rushed to her chamber and knelt before their mother. "Thomas, I understand you are responsible for the capture of these humans" Flaitheas said. Thomas nodded "That is correct Mother, but I couldn't have done it without Nevlinae and her team. They helped significantly"  Thomas explained. Flaitheas rubbed her head against her son "I know, Thomas. You must know that I am proud of you. You've come so far, so fast." She spoke with a voice of pride and affection. Thomas reached up and stroked his mother's crest, making Flaitheas purr. Thomas was the only one who could actually touch Flaitheas' crest like this. The others would hop onto her back and rub their heads against her. But Thomas didn't mind. To him, Flaitheas was always right. She mainly showed a kind and loving appearance towards her children, but if any of them disobeyed her orders or if the Hive was attacked, she took on a far more vicious appearance and personality. Mainly she'd harshly reprimand her children for disobedience, but she always gave them another chance. In a few circumstances, she was forced to kill her own young after they'd become sick and turned on their own siblings. Doing so hurt her immensely, but she knew it had to be done.

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