Why don't you figure my heart out?

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Ayyy mates I'm writing more oneshots now, in a different book so I'm not making one that last for heckin ages.
Song: "Heart Out" by The 1975.

The smoke was thick, the music loud, and Gerard wanted to go home. Parties really weren't his thing, he was only here since Mikey had dragged him out of the basement.

But there were a lot of people here he didn't know, and Gerard was a little anxious. He knew who was throwing the party, one of Mikey's friends, that hyperactive emo kid called Pete.

He didn't notice someone walking up to the corner where was standing with a red cup with now-flat beer in it. (You've seen the films.)

Gerard nearly jumped out of his skin when the other person tapped him on the shoulder.

"Sweet Christ, you scared me!" Gerard was trying to calm down, his heart thumping a million miles an hour against his rib cage. The other person just laughed, it was a cute laugh, all scrunched noses and toothy grins.

They were kinda short, with a sort-of black mohawk with the shaved sides bleached blonde. They also had small gages in their ears, a nose and lip ring. They were wearing ripped black jeans and a misfits shirt. Gerard decided he liked this person already.

The person snapped their fingers in front of Gerard's face, breaking his train of thought. The person smiled at his bewildered expression.

"As I said, my name is Frank." How the fuck could Gerard have missed Frank telling him his name?

Gerard blushed, and mumbled his name back.

Frank looked thoughtful for a minute, "hm, Gerard, I like that." This made Gerard blush even more. Frank liked that he could make all the blood in Gerard's body go to his face by even saying that he liked his name, it was too cute.

"Hey let's go somewhere quieter, this is starting to blow." Frank suggested, grabbing Gerard's arm before he could protest. Not that Gerard was going to say no anyway.

They both stepped out onto the porch, the air was cool and you could sort of see the stars from where they were standing. They sat down on the front step and Frank pulled his pack of cigarettes from his pocket and offered one to Gerard.

Frank must be some sort of mind reader, as Gerard was out of cigs and was going to ask if he could bum one off Frank. He told Frank this and Frank grinned so big, Gerard those cut his face was going to split in two.

They sat there in comfortable silence, just smoking not feeling the need to talk. Gerard, did however, snuggle into Frank's side when it started getting colder, and Frank swore Gerard could hear his heart thumping against his rib cage.

"Hey Gee?" Frank asked as Gerard was just starting to doze off, Gerard looked up and then Frank caught his lips in a kiss.

It wasn't like all the romance movie clichés, fireworks and butterflies and shit, but it just felt right, Frank was gentle and sweet and Gerard couldn't get enough of it.

Hey hey hey happy new year (even though it's a bit late).

Starting this one off with a sweet fluffy oneshot but it will probably get smuttier in the meantime.

Frerard Oneshots vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now