Hot tramp, I love you so

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I'm thinkin some stripper g, lads. I haven't written this au in so long,,, sweet christ.
Song: "Rebel Rebel" by David Bowie.

The small mirror with the lights round it was jam packed full of makeup, and the tabletop was covered in perfume bottles, glitter, and gems. General gear. But tonight Gee was going for something different. Since it was Halloween, y'know?

Maybe a zombie, or the bride of Frankenstein? A sexy werewolf? Nah, too itchy with that fake hair. Gee thought of an idea and it instantly worked for him. A vampire.

Yeah, that's good.

The costume itself consisted of a slim, lacy black gown, something you'd see Morticia Addams wear, with red jewel detailing in the bust line and around the long drape-y ends of the sleeves. Yes it was a woman's costume but it fit Gee just fine.

The makeup for it was simple too. There was pale white foundation but Gee was pale enough already, reddish eyeshadow, smudged black eyeliner, and one of those slightly red tinted Korean lip stains. To make it look like he had been drinking some blood recently.

When he was ready, Gee stepped out of his changing area and into the pink tinted lights, the stage was as usual, a single black chrome pole, with lights around the base, and a little box to throw tips if the patron so desired. Nothing different except that there were some bat decorations hanging about.

Not a lot of people were milling about anymore, Gee was the last show of the night. But there were a few people in costumes hanging around. One caught Gee's eye though, a small-ish guy in a Frankenstein's monster costume, with some tattoos poking out from his sleeves and collar.

The guy caught Gee looking and winked. Gee was immediately flustered and going as red as his hair. Holy shit.

But Gee had to get onto the stage now so he didn't go after the guy or anything.

On stage he could just see the guy, but he doubted the guy could see him. Oh how he was wrong. The guy was watching his every move, the swaying of his hips, and the little winks and kisses he threw out to the audience. They were going nuts.

The dj had on Gee's particular mix, he had a mixtape for all of the performers, and it had just turned to David Bowie's Rebel Rebel. Gee loved this song to dance to.

"Hey hey your hair's alright, hey hey let's stay out tonight," Bowie sang and Gee danced. The guy was hooked.

When the song ended, Gee went to pick up his tips from the box, and lo and behold, the guy was there.

"Uh... hi?" Gee stammered out. They guy just simply smiled and dropped a fifty dollar bill into the box with a little bit of paper clipped onto it. Gee was left there catching flies.

The guy had left with his friends but Gee only just read the note.

It said, "Hot tramp, I love you so." With his name (Frank Iero) and his phone number underneath.

"I believe he's trying to hit on you Gee," the direction said when he was looking over his shoulder.

Heyyoooo I'm back from dying of the flu. I might do a sequel for this but I'm undecided right now.

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