Fuckin' superb you funky little vampire

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Ok so I've had this idea for a while of F and G meeting at a shitty house/costume party,,, but I've had zero time to write bc of college so I've bashed this one out in abt an hour so I apologise for any mistakes


You know, it probably would have gone better if Gerard wasn't so goddamn awkward.

He was dared to ask out the hottest guy at the party which was undeniably Frank Iero in his opinion, so his friends thought it would be a great idea to date him to do just that, and then laugh drunkenly at him when he inevitably failed.

The problem was they KNEW that Gerard was hopelessly crushing on Frank. He never should have told Pete.

Of course the bastard had texted everyone in their friend group and told them what Gerard had told him.

And Pete was the ringleader of this whole "dare" shenanigan. Fuuuuuuucking hell.

Gerard looked at himself in the cracked mirror in the dingy little club bathroom he was in. Hoping that the lighting wouldn't show how sweaty he was (out of nervousness), he straightened out the cape on his vampire costume (he knew it wasn't Halloween, but come on a vampire's a classic). Before he left the bathroom to do the deed, he couldn't help but check his makeup one last time, yep, still as pale and dead-looking as ever, thank god for theatre-grade Ben Nye.

As he left the bathroom, he collided with the one person he really didn't want to look like a total idiot in front of.

Can you guess who it was? Hazard a guess.

''Twas the one and only Frank Iero.

"Um, uhhhhhh... I'm sorry..." Gerard mumbled off, "didn't see you..." great now he was making excuses for how fucking clumsy he was.

Frank got up and brushed himself off, "hey no problem it was an accident." Yeah but Frank was still going to think that Gerard was a twat who didn't know where he was going. Oh Jesus, his mind was going into overdrive with anxious thoughts.

"Uh do you want a drink? I'm going to grab one," the sound of Frank's voice yanked Gerard out of his thoughts. Yeah, that sounded good. Some liquid courage would help with this endeavour. Frank led Gerard to a table laden with various alcohols.

"Pick your poison, I'm having a beer," Frank said as he picked up a bottle and an opener. Gerard looked over the table seeing what was there. If he was going to be honest he didn't really drink, but it would probably help him not make an arse of himself so he grabbed a beer as well.

"So are you enjoying the party? Cause I'm not," Frank was quite blunt with this, the party wasn't his idea anyway, it was his friend James's since James had decided that Frank had had enough time to mope about being single and had to meet someone now.

"Um, I'm not really either but that's cause I don't really know anyone here..." Gerard mumbled. Why mumble now? Why wasn't the liquid courage working for him? Oh yeah, it because Gerard is a hopelessly awkward mess when it comes to people he liked.

"Well if neither of us is enjoying this, why don't we leave then?" Frank had a devilish grin on his face and Gerard didn't like it one bit.
"Uh yeah, why not?"

Frank lead Gerard out into the back porch of the house onto a small wooden patio which seemed to be devoid of anyone. They both sat down with their beers and Frank sighed frustratedly.

"I didn't even want this party..." he said to no one in particular.

"You didn't?" Gerard echoed, confused, Frank was known to be a bit of a party animal.

Frank sighed and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.
"It's just my friend wanted me to meet someone new now that I'm single but I don't even know if I want a relationship at the moment and he won't be happy unless I at least make out with someone here." Frank said this all as quickly as possible, hoping that it was too garbled for Gerard to hear but Gerard heard it all perfectly clear.

"Yeah really."

Gerard turned to Frank and grabbed his hands in his own.
"Well if you're ok with it, my friend dared me to make out with you because he knows I have a god-awfully big crush on you and your friend wants you to make out with someone, why not make out with me?" Well if it was going to be honesty hour out here Gerard might as well contribute.

Frank was a gibbering wreck.

"Wha- what?? Really?"

"Uh yes..? Now do it before I chicken out please."

And so he did.
And holy fuck it was amazing. Frank was really good at this, he lead where Gerard didn't have a clue. And also the fact that inside, Gerard was freaking out wasn't helping his case either. He was like, well... as cheesy as it sounds, a schoolboy with a crush.

"Mmmhh..." Gerard honestly could get used to this, it felt good and he didn't want it to stop. Making out... good... was the only thought going through his head.

And it was great until they got interrupted by one James Dewees.

"Ah Frank you finally got out of your whole mope-y Singleton phase? Great."

Frank broke away from the kissing to tell James to fuck off and then got right back to it. Gerard could just hear James laughing and saying,

"Fuckin' superb you funky little vampire."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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