Just like Heaven

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Ayyy I'm finally getting to part two of the previous one shot
Song: "Just like Heaven" by The Cure.

Frank was rushing to Gerard's house, now with a fire lit in him from his now ex-girlfriend's acceptance of his bisexuality and his crush on Gerard. They both had decided it was best for both of them to end it.

He knocked at the Way's front door, huffing and puffing from his unexpected sprint down two blocks. Fuck, his legs would pay tomorrow.

"Frank?" The door opened revealing Gerard himself, looking concerned down at the possibly dying boy in front of him.

"Need to... need to ta-" his sentence was cut off by a coughing fit. Smoker's lung fucking sucks, Frank thought.

Gerard waited until Frank wasn't dying right there and then, to ask him what he was saying.

"I need to speak with you, it's uh... I guess it's important..." Gerard looked confused but led him down to the basement. Obviously Frank didn't sprint all the way to his house without good reason to, Gerard thought.

"Uh... ok... do you wanna go down to my room?" Gerard asked.

Frank was pretty sure he couldn't make coherent words at the moment as his lungs were fighting to regain the air that they had lost, so he settled for nodding.

Gerard was starting to get nervous now, was this serious? Did Frank notice that Gerard had been looking at him like a lovesick puppy from a distance now? Did he not like that Gerard was gay? Well, Frank didn't know, Gerard was only out to Mikey and no one else.

When they actually got into Gerard's room, they sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Uh... I really don't know how to say this..." Frank began, because, fuck, how do you do this? "I'm uh... bi and I have a crush on you" Frank blurted out in one and hoped to god he didn't have to repeat it.

Unfortunately for him, Gerard didn't get any of it and it sounded like garbled gibberish to him. "Sorry... what did you say?"
Frank groaned internally, now he'd have to be more slow when he admitted it again.

"I said..." Frank took another deep breath, "that I'm bi and I kinda have a crush on you." Frank was as red as hell, and could hear the blood thumping in his ears.

Gerard was silent for a bit, and Frank was now regretting saying anything.

"Um... I kinda like you too..." Gerard was so quiet, Frank almost didn't hear him. But it was confirmation that his feelings weren't one-sided.

Frank managed a small smile, now that he knew he didn't have to be scared at the other's reaction. Gerard was smiling too, he now had a chance to do something, something that he had wanted to do for ages.

He leaned over and kissed Frank.

Frank made a surprised squeaking noise before actually kissing back. He wasn't opposed to the impromptu make out session.

The making out was sloppy and jut oh-so-right, Frank couldn't describe the feeling but he figured that it was always there just deep, deep down. Gerard's lips were kinda slimy but he didn't mind one bit.
They only broke off to breathe and then got right back to making out. Frank was grabbing at Gerard's hair, a little part of his brain that wasn't focused on Gerard kissing him was saying that Gerard's hair was kinda greasy and it was gross to have his fingers carding through it but Frank told it to shut up.

When they finally broke off, Gerard's hair looked like a bird's nest, Robert Smith style and that made Frank laugh. Gerard noticed this as well when he looked in the mirror, and he laughed too.

Even when they were just laughing at each other it never felt mean-spirited. It was just banter between friends. Well more than friends now. God did that make Gerard his boyfriend now? Frank wondered.

"Hey, does this make us a thing now? Y'know?"

Gerard looked at him like a lovesick puppy with this dopey grin on his face.
"I dunno, do you want us to be a thing?"

Honestly Frank wanted that more than the air he breathed right now, but he was struggling to get the words out.

Gerard took this flustered, red-faced muttering as a yes. He took Frank in his arms and just hugged him.

"Just like heaven." He thought

Oh my god this took a while, it's longer than most of my oneshots but it's fluff to soothe some souls (mine too)

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