chapter 1

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Trixie took a deep breath as she stood in front of her new school, now, this could be all cliche like 'she held her books in her hands, had her bag on her back and exhaled with excitement and anticipation as she took her first step into her school grounds', but that wasn't the case this time around.

Trixie hated school, she had been to many of them, transferring schools has become something she was used to by now. And in every school she went to, there had been the same types of people, and every time, those people hated her for the same reasons, because she was lesbian. She had never met anyone else like her that she knew of, and that greatly upset her for years. She had attempted suicide several times because of the amount of bullying and harassment she had gotten from her peers. So she had to switch schools over and over again. She just wished she could be home-schooled, but sadly, her parents didn't have the time for that, so off to new schools she went.

She dreaded the thought of stepping into this school, but she, unfortunately, had to. She stepped into the school's premises, regretting it instantly, but still, she made her way into the building. "This place is gonna suck." She muttered to herself. She stepped into the school and looked around, there weren't as many people as she expected, which she hated. When there's less people, it means more of them know each other, and if you're hated by one of them, you'll be hated by most of them. She started walking around, trying to find where she was supposed to go, before spotting who seemed like a teacher and approaching them.

"Um, hi, I'm new here an uh, I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the office please?-"

"Oh, yes, the office is just straight down the corridor and to your right beside the stairs. It has beads instead of a door so you shouldn't miss it."

"Thank you."

Trixie then started heading down the corridor, trying to avoid eye or physical contact with anyone as she headed to the office. After about a minute of walking she spotted it and walked in. "Uh, hello. I'm Trixie Mattel, am I in the right room?" she asked, confused, because the room didn't exactly look like an office. Sure it had a desk and filing drawers and all that, but something just felt off about it. Perhaps it was because of how, bright, the room was. The walls were painted with neon colours and the floors were as white as snow, unlike the corridor which had white walls and greenish-grey floors. She was taken so off guard by the walls that she didn't even notice that someone had been speaking to her.

"This is your schedule along with your locker number and combination." The person, a woman, who was most likely the principal or an assistant, said, holding two sheets of paper in her hand "And we will have a student from your base class come in and show you around. He should be here very shortly, so take a seat and ask me any questions if you need to."

Trixie nodded and took the papers from the woman before sitting down on a black, leather chair that was placed in front of the desk. She waited for a few minutes, noticing the first bell of the day had gone and people were heading to their classes, which confused her a little. This didn't happen at the other schools she went to, they usually just told her where to go herself and expect her to find her way or get a student to show her to her first class when the corridors were still filled. This time they waited until there was no one in the corridors, which she liked, though it still confused her why other schools didn't do this.

"Ah! Max! There you are!" The woman at the desk said "This is Trixie Mattel! You'll be showing her around for today!"

Trixie then quickly stood up, putting her bag over her back again and looking at the door to see a tall, pale, blond boy standing there.

"Alright, you two get going now! You don't want to be too late to your first class!"

"Yes miss," Max nodded with a calm smile before stepping out of the office and waiting for Trixie, who stepped out a few seconds after him. "Hello darling." he greeted, as they started to walk, looking at Trixie with that same calm smile, he had a somewhat English-sounding accent, which was rather peaceful to hear.

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