chapter 3

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All Trixie could think about during class was Katya, she just found her so visually appealing and she found it interesting to talk to her. She would end up catching herself accidentally staring at her at random points in class, which highly embarrassed her. But when Katya ever looked at her she looked genuinely happy, so that left Trixie at ease a little. They were in art class, her friend Bianca wasn't in the class with them. Though her class was near, so that's why she was with Katya earlier.

"Alright class!" Ms. Dejour, the art teacher, announced "We'll be starting our first big project of the year! It will be due the week before the winter break! So you have a month to get it done, it will be a partner project! In this project you and your partner will both choose different types of art and put them together to make something unique and creative! I will allow you to pick your partners but I will make certain people switch groups if necessary!"

Katya looked at Trixie and tapped her shoulder softly to get her attention, which worked. Trixie looked at her with a slight smile.

"Hey Trixie, I know you don't really know anyone in this class," Katya said a bit nervously, her Russian accent thickening slightly "So I was wondering if you want to pair up with me, a person you also don't know very well but kind of know the name of."

This made Trixie chuckle, she found Katya quite funny, even though her accent was sometimes hard to understand "Sure," she replied "When do you wanna start working on it?"

"Uhhh, well, we can start thinking of ideas now. But we can start the actual project after school sometime." Katya answered, leaning her elbow on the table and resting her head on her hand "I kinda wanna do something collage-y."

"I could paint or do calligraphy, that might look interesting with collage." Trixie smiled brightly while talking, obviously happy with her idea

"Yes!" Katya responded, sitting up properly with a happy smile "Maybe we can do like, a picture of a person with a collage background and some weirdly gay inspirational quote on it!"

Trixie giggled and nodded "I agree!" she stated with a close-eyed smile "Maybe the entire piece will be gayly inspirational!"

"Yes! Please!" Katya laughed, sounding more like she was wheezing "We really need to do that! It'll be great!!"

Later on into the class, Katya and Trixie had still been talking and laughing with each other about project ideas, before being told to be quite by their teacher or else she was going to move them into different groups, making them have to whisper now.

"Have you ever seen the movie Contact?" Katya asked, as she wanted to start talking about things besides the project now. Her eyes sparkled as she asked the question, which Trixie honestly thought was adorable, and even though she's never seen this movie, she knew that Katya enjoyed it.

"Uh, no. Sorry." Trixie answered with a slight chuckle "I'm guessing it's good if you're asking me about it though."

"Actually," Katya said, shrugging "It's not the best of movies, but it's just special to me. Y'know?"

Trixie nodded in understanding "I get what you mean." she stated, before getting an idea and smiling rather widely "Why don't we watch it on the day we do our project?"

Katya's expression turned excited at that very moment "Yes! That would be great!"

"When should we get started on that by the way?" Trixie asked, mentally scolding herself for bringing back a topic that Katya had obviously wanted to go away from

"Uhhhh, I don't know." Katya answered, puffing her cheeks out while thinking for a bit, Trixie smiled at Katya when she did that, it was cute, though that's pretty obvious "When are you free?"

"Um, I'm pretty free whenever, except for Sundays, I have guitar lessons on Sundays." Trixie stated, cocking her head to the side a little "What about you?"

"I'm free mostly on weekends, but sometimes on week days." Katya answered "Hm, could I have your phone number so we could talk more about it even after school?"

"Oh, uh, sure!" Trixie smiled, getting a copy and a pen from her schoolbag and writing her phone number in one of the pages "Here you go!" she said as she ripped out the page and handed it to Katya

"Thanks!" Katya replied, putting the paper into the pocket of her black jeans "I'll text you sometime after school."

"Alright!" Trixie smiled

Once school ended, Trixie left excitedly, she had made about three new friends today! Though she only really liked one of them, well, only one so far. She didn't really know if she liked Dela yet. She seemed pretty talkative but she also seemed very friendly and nice.

Trixie then walked around to find her bus home, before spotting it and approaching it. Noticing that people were lining up to get on, a smile grew from the corners of her lips as she noticed Katya in the line of people. Katya must have noticed her too as she waved at her and stepped out of her place in the line to stand with Trixie.

"Hey Trixie!" Katya greeted "Looks like we keep meeting up."

"We must be soulmates!" Trixie dramatically exclaimed with a laugh, clutching her shirt at the part where her heart is "It's true love at it's finest!"

"Oh yes indeed!" Katya said with the same dramatic tone "True love that will last all eternity!"

The two paused for a while after Katya said that, noticing a few people were staring at them. After a few seconds Trixie burst out laughing, Katya was so incredibly funny in her eyes and she couldn't help herself. Katya then started to laugh with her, as she found Trixie's laugh rather funny to hear.

The bus trip home was fun, Trixie sat with Katya on the bus and they talked the whole time. She felt like she learned a lot about Katya and Katya learned a lot about her.

"I'm home" Trixie called out after entering her house, placing her school bag beside the door before sighing after no one answered her "Welcome home Trixie.." she muttered to herself while walking into the kitchen. There was no one there, and she sighed once again.

No one was ever home when she got back from school, her parents were always at work. It annoyed her quite a lot, though when her parents were home, they made Trixie happy. Though, that was only her mother. Her step-dad was never as nice.

Just as Trixie was about to sit down at the kitchen table, she heard a notification sound coming from her phone. She walked back into the hall and took her phone out of her back and checked the notification.

From: Unknown Number

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