Chapter 5

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Trixie jolted awake to the sound of her alarm, she groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes and grabbing her phone to turn her alarm off.


She turned her alarm off and stretched her arms and legs before rolling out of bed to get ready for school. School started at 9, but her makeup would take a while to do. She looked at her phone as she ate her cereal downstairs, realising that she never responded to Katya's text from the night before. She clicked on her chat with Katya and thought of what to reply.

To: Katya

I'm not sure, I'll have to ask. Why?

Of course, Katya didn't answer. Though it was understandable, as it was very early. She was wondering why Katya wanted to know if she was free, maybe she wanted to get the project started already? They only knew each other for a day, though maybe Katya just wanted to get it over and done with so they wouldn't have to wait until the last minute. Or maybe she wanted something else? Trixie wouldn't know until Katya responded.

   Later, as Trixie was just finishing her makeup, her phone vibrated loudly. She finished the last bit of her makeup and then picked up her phone, it was Katya.

From: Katya

I was hoping we could get the project started. Plus, Bianca is taking me and Adore shopping at 4 and we wanted to know if you wanna join?

Trixie tilted her head at the text and smiled. She already had a friend who wanted to hang out with her. And that friend had two other friends who wanted to hang out as well! This made Trixie happy, before she felt her stomach twist and turn, why would they want to hang out with her after knowing her for one day? What if someone from a different school told them about her? What if they were going to hurt her? She felt scared just thinking about it. She didn't want to go. But she did at the same time. Katya seemed really nice. But Max told her that she isn't a good person to hang around with, was he right?

From: Katya

If you're too busy that's alright, we just wanted to get to know you more. You seem really cool! Bianca thinks so too! Which is surprising cause Bianca never says that about anyone.

Fuck it, Trixie thought. She didn't care what Max said. Katya seemed really nice, she was most likely dealing with the same stuff Trixie had been dealing with. People spreading rumours about her and being rude to her.

So Trixie grinned and started to type a message.

To: Katya

Sounds great! I'm in!

Trixie was excited before even leaving the house, her parents allowed her to go to Katya's after school, they weren't going to be home anyway, so as long as she wasn't breaking any laws or rules they didn't really care what she was doing. But when she went to school, all she wanted to do was find Katya, but she had no clue if she'd see her today. French was the first class she had, and she remembered there being no set seats in that class the day before, so she could probably sit beside Katya. Unless Max sits with her like the last time. Max was most likely considered popular, well, his girlfriend was anyway. So if he ends up not liking Trixie then there's a possibility that no one would. So she'd need to be friends with him, or at least pretend to be. And pretend not to be friends with Katya.

"Trixie!" Called a familiar Russian accent from behind Trixie, causing her to smile and turn to face the voice. And of course, it was Katya, but with someone else too, the giddy black-haired girl from her base class. Dela Creme.

"Oh hey Katya! And, Dela?" Trixie's eyebrows furrowed as she tilted her head with confusion, she didn't know that Dela and Katya were even friends.

Cute Texts And Cheesy Filters (Trixya)Where stories live. Discover now