chapter 7

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WARNING!!: there's a lot of characters being ooc (out of character) this chapter, but shhhhhhh don't mind that

It was a few weeks after Bianca, Adore and Katya hung out with Trixie, all they did was look at clothes, go into a cafe and walk about the shopping center.

Trixie had lunch with Sharon and Alaska, which Katya didn't go to. Trixie didn't really like the two girls, but they wanted to talk more with her. So she did, they talked every few days. Katya and Trixie finally got the project done. And Max was still warning Trixie not to talk to Katya.

Trixie walked out of school and was heading to the bus stop to see Katya, before she felt someone's hand on her shoulder, and when she turned around to look, she got a bit surprised, as it was Max's girlfriend, Pearl.

"Hey Trixie." She said "You busy?"

"U-Um, I don't think so." Trixie replied nervously

"Good, cause I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place with Max, Violet and Fame."

"U-Um. Okay." Trixie nodded "Now?"

"Yeah. Max and the others are at my car." Pearl stated "Come on."

"Okay." Trixie gulped

So Trixie and Pearl walked over to the car, where Max and two other girls were. They were sitting in a car, a big, red, sports car. Trixie was stunned by how it looked.

"Get in." Fame hissed "I don't want to stay here forever."

"Sorry." Trixie muttered, getting into the back beside Max and Fame.

It took a while, but eventually they got to Pearl's house. And it was huge, about three or four stories tall, Trixie was surprised that a house could be this big. She took her stuff and got out of the car a bit slower than Max and Fame and walked up to the house slower too.

"Mom!" Pearl shouted as she entered the house "I'm home! With guests!"

"Hello!" Pearl's mother shouted as she ran down the stairs and hugging everyone "Good to see y'all!"

"Hello." Trixie smiled

"Oh!" Alyssa gasped when she saw Trixie "Hello dear! I'm Alyssa!"

"I'm Trixie," Trixie replied "It's nice to meet you."

"It's great to meet you too dear!" Alyssa responded before hugging her "There hasn't been a new person here in a while!"

"Your mom is nice." Trixie said as they all went into Pearl's room

"Pfft, I guess." Pearl sighed

"Trixie. You might be wondering why we invited you here." Violet said, raising an eyebrow

"W-Well, kind of." Trixie replied "But I just thought you guys were being nice."

"Well you've thought wrong." Pearl scoffed

"We will be nice about what we're going to say though." Max stated

"No we're no-

"Yes we are." Max growled, interrupting Pearl

"Fine." Pearl sighed

"Wh-What's going on?" Trixie stuttered nervously, looking at everyone

"Can we just tell her already?" Fame asked, looking at Max

Max looked back at her and at Violet then nodded

"We know that you and Katya are friends." Fame stated

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