11. Burn Together

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The woods were full of whispers.

The time of man had longed since been forgotten in a world of nightmares and dreams, buried under the snow that covered the ground without bottom. Shadows reigned, darkness champion, for light was ambiguous to this realm of monster and beast that tormented only the mind of their creator.

Knights and heroes had fallen not in battle, the unconquerable could not be taken from the wounds that claimed the lives of mortals. Their demise came from within their own mind, from stalking in the woods that were full of whispers, from the hell that was not unlike the one you were in now. He was everywhere, the enemy without face or name, king of the Void and herald of darkness, heir to oblivion and lamentations. For he would sit atop a throne of tears and bloodshed as it had been prophesied from the tales of the Old.

You hadn't said that?

The darkness was suffocating, ebony claws of black that reached for your heart, eager to stake claim to the soul of the living. There was no hope here, wisdom and magic would not prevail in the realm of the mind. Here you were defenseless, subject to the mercy of the darkness, a foe without compassion nor love.

You could not remember who you were before this. The darkness had often whispered that you were here since the dawn of creation, no other being existed prior. You had no sire or dam to call your own, known to none but shadow. Memories would occasionally surface within the turmoil of black and forgetfulness, only to be burnt and carried away.

The King of shadow and nightmare had won. He had eradicated his enemy, the one of ink and creativity vanquished in a battle fought in the Void without name. And his one enemy, the pitiful excuse of a human that had remained a thorn in the King's side for far too long had finally been eradicated, their mind buried under the effects of the serum created by Mayor Grimes.

He went by the name Error, a title that had been bestowed upon the King of the Multiverse by a universe that had long since been eradicated. But not many remained to tell that name for their king was simply King, nothing more. If orders were questioned, reign challenged, their universe would be vanquished in the blink of an eye. It was amusing how humans and monsters alike prayed to their false gods when those were simply idols in the likes of Error, the one with true power, the one who could erase them as if they meant nothing.

Every living thing was a complex series of code that could be wiped away. Self-consciousness was a glitch from this, a bug that Error was determined to destroy. He reflected upon this as he sat on his black throne in the Void, watching the remaining universes hum to themselves with the distinct chatter of those that inhabited them. He was tempted to delete them all then and there, but Error liked being king and a king could not rule without his subjects.

The King had directed his focus to Mafia - the name Ink had once bestowed upon the universe. It was one of the handful that Error had not yet deleted, not that the option was available to him for the presence of [Y/N] kept the universe thriving, a personal shield against his war of darkness and oblivion. The reason that this universe could not be deleted, the reason that [Y/N] was the life preserver against Error's wrath was quite simple, a reasonable explanation that anguished him even upon recollection.

Unlike the others of the realm that were fabrications of code and thus virtually nonexistent, [Y/N] was alive, similar in composition to Ink or Error who existed outside of the mortal plain, able to jump from one timeline to the next. No code made Error and no code made Ink and the same was for the human that was now wasting away within Mafia. And once the serum took its full toll on [Y/N], they would simply cease to be and the universe would lose its temporary armour, subject to the mercy of its King.

This was the plan, the final step in total domination over the remaining universes. But [Y/N] had not given way to the serum, even as the hours passed and they lay collapsed on the ground, silently waging war against the army in their mind. But the serum would win, Mayor Grimes had assured her King of that. And liars were often met with tooth and claw in Error's realm.

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