Chapter 9: What Have You Done?

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Months had passed and you and the brothers still had nothing on the new big bad. You desperately wanted to defeat something, but you couldn't find anything.

"Ugh, this is so frustrating!" You yelled, chucking your research papers across the room, barely missing Deans head.

"Woah there, calm down!" Dean yelled back at you, standing up and inching closer to you. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Theres nothing! I can't find anything and if its as bad as Cas said then countless people are going to die! And it's all going to be my fault!" You screamed at him, your eyes red and your breath staccato as you hung your head. There was brief silence before you heard stomping towards you and you were pulled into a gentle hug by strong arms. 

Unable to hold it back, you broke down, silent tears streaming down your face as Dean rubbed your shoulders in an attempt to calm you down. Over the past couple of months you and him had gotten a lot closer, you both helping each other through out hunts and research, and... you might have even started developing feelings for the man.

"Hey, kid, whats wrong?" he muttered into your hair, before pulling back and grabbing you by the shoulders. You quickly rubbed your eyes and erased any trace of you crying, afraid to show weakness in the face of a Winchester.

"Nothing... nothing, its fine. We just need to find what this thing is." you said to him, patting him on the back before peeling away from his touch to get back to your research. "I'll talk to you later, Dee." With that he shook his head and went to seek out Sam, your best friend.

"(Y/N)." You heard a familiar gruff voice say to you, shaking you from sleep. Unknowingly you pushed a book off of the table. 

"Shit, Cas... please tell me you have news?" you almost yelled to him, bringing the attention to both Sam and Dean.

"I do..." the brown haired angel said, trailing off into a stop. "Her name is Abbadon.. and she is a prince of hell." Everyone looked around in confusion,  but you immediately stood up, practically shaking in your socks. 

"No, no no no not her again... shit." you said, running your hands through your hair and avoiding eye contact with your house mates. They all looked at you and waited for you to explain yourself. Sighing, you walked to the fridge and grabbed yourself a beer, the boys following close to your heels like lost puppies. "About last year, I met her. She tried to convince me to join her side, fight by her in hell for the throne. This was before she, uh, she was really known in the world." You finished, sipping on your icy drink and waiting for the flood of questions to come your way.

"Chuck, (y/n), you can't help us on this one." Dean grumbled, taking your beer without thinking and taking a swig. When he noticed you shooting daggers at him, he passed it back to you apologetically.

"Why the hell not?" You yelled, finally getting a chance to fight and help out, only being denied the opportunity. 

"(Y/n), we don't know how she can be ganked! If you died, you'll basically be tortured for eternity! I will not let this happen to you." He said, putting his foot down and walking away.

"What the hell!?" 

"(y/n), come on, he just wants the best for you, we all do." Sam said, looking at you with puppy dog eyes before leaning against the counter before look between you and Cas.

"Yeah, well he doesn't get the luxury." you yelled, stomping off to the garage to go work on your Cadillac, (recently brought over by Bobby while you were on a hunt).


You all did research for hours, finding out that you needed a host with the Mark of Cain and the First Blade could kill a Prince of Hell. After taking a break, you went out to work on your prized possession. While you were still under the hood of your car, you wheeled yourself out. Coming face to face with Castiel, who said nothing to you as he threw you a weapons bag and grasped you on the shoulder, instantly transporting you to a barren field with nothing but a black car and a barn lying on the grass.

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