chapter 14

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      This clown... this damn clown took everything Away.
    He's back.  He wants more. But I'm not a child any longer why does he still want me? Is it because I know? Everything
Either way this thing has to be gone.

     He took Stanley. The love of my life, my everything my best friend never will I ever, Renew our wedding Vows, Wake up in the morning and have him by my side. Make him coffee and give him a kiss good morning, tell him how much I love him, Tie his tie. Car rides and sing together never will I see him again.
Never ever, ever, ever again.

     'IT' took, My children, the baby's I conceived my own self. My precious loves, the only things I'll ever love as much as Stanley,  Never will I see them Hop out of the car and prance into school, never will we sing songs together never will I see them get there first soul mate never will I get to see them go off to college. Never will I see him. Never ever ever ever again.

      He took my dad. The person who Cared for me. Who knew what I was going through even though he didn't say anything or help me at all I know he wanted to, he was trapped. He needed help.  Like I do right now never will We have Family trips, Laugh together, never will He see me Get married. Never Will he see his grand children or how happy I was.
Never ever ever ever again.

   He took My little brother. The person I would help out and I invested all my time in, I loved Georgie. He was my little brother and now he's gone. Never will I tuck him in bed and Read him a book until he's sound asleep, Walk him to the park to meet his friends, Embarrass him at school By Calling him curious George.
Never will I see him again.
Ever, Ever, Ever Again.

     He took My best friend, the only person I trusted other then my own twin brother. Never will we ever have sleepovers, Eat dinner with each other, laugh, stand up for each other, Play sports with each other. Never will we ever Grow old with each other. Never will I see her never ever ever ever again.
       If I wanted to defeat this I had to Do it myself. These are my fears and i never conquered them. The losers club can't help me. They have there own life. I don't have one any longer and I have nothing else to live for. Do I even want to live?
       I go to the Neibolt house for which I knew whether I Killed him or not. For the last time. I get down to the water waste and all the dead bodies Flowing above me. I remember...
      I look around for stuff I could use. I didn't come prepared. I couldn't find this clown. Where was He?
I looked down the Place he fell the last time and I yell
"Come on, Take me down, Clown I'm not going down without a fight." I yell. But I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and there he was.
PennyWise the dancing clown
my face grew with Anger. Not fear, Anger.
     I pushed the clown as hard as I could and I Took a metal pipe. Similar to the one before. And I smashed it on his head. Of course that didn't do anything so I kept kicking him and hitting him and hurting him with all my power. With everything that I had I tried. But I'm not as young. He's more strong.
I couldn't do This by myself.
    He grabs me and I kick and squeal finally I break free. I run back to the pile and I Take a second Metal pipe and I swing both of them with all my mite.
   Nothing. He gets me into a choke hold and I scream. I scream and I kick. He tries to eat me but I refuse
With the small breath I have left I tell him
"I refuse to be a clowns Dinner"
And he becomes distracted..
I pull away and become free...
I hear kick him in the jaw and he Takes my hair and throws me to the ground and walks towards me...
     "Oh shit. Not you again"
I hear a voice come from the back say.
I turn around and what did I know. It was the losers club. Jerzee Handed me a gun. And Paige handed me the Bullets.
    They all stood behind me and we held hands.
    The clown started walking towards us but no matter how much we wanted to move We wouldn't . But soon he grabbed me by the throat and raised me to his eye. I can tell they all tried to save me but nothing helped. I started floating. I couldn't control it.
   As I float I see Betty I can't move or do anything but I can Think.
Think Eli. Think.
Your friends Are in trouble because of you
I think and think and soon I start floating down.
    I don't know what happened it just happened.
I came back stronger than ever and the clown Looked surprised didn't take him much to Defeat me though. He just pushed me down The water well where he Fell. (Woohoo I rhymed)
     I started Falling black hopeless everything was black I could barely see the top of the never ending hole. But soon it went black
  What once was white is now black.

I close my eyes and let God do his thing. I know I couldn't just lay here and fall the rest of my life.
      Finally I hit the floor. And somehow I heard a beep...
Beep  beep beep
I opened my eyes and I was laying in a bed. A unfamiliar bed, it was very very nice. And warm in this room. I was alive and in nice pajama pants. I sit up and Look around the room. It's very nice
I lay back down and I turn around and as I do I turn around to see a Blond curly headed boy.
"Stanley?" I cry. The boy turns around and laughs
"Whos Stanley"
It's Stanley

"Your Stanley." I Reply
"Haha maybe you had too much to drink last night." He replied lovingly.
I grab the phone on my desk and check messages.
His name is wyatt
Hm, I like that name.
where am I?
He turns around and gives me a kiss
I run down stairs to see Eddie, Paige, Jerzee and Richie Beverly and.. Bill
I run down and Give them all a hug
"woah what's gotten into you?" Bill laughs
"Bill, where's your stutter?" I ask
"Stutter? Bill? Are you okay? I'm Jaeden not Bill"
I ask everyone to Recite there names just in case
and Paige.
I look around for my children
And I see all 3 of them siting on the living room floor watching T.v I smile helplessly and Tears stream down my face. What once was a black. Is now colorful.
Was all this a dream?
Or maybe this is heaven
Maybe I never really believed in a heaven because I didn't think it had Them.
    Trust isn't just a word. It's an act of something. I trust myself and I've gotten so far
    I smile and look around
        Yeah.. this is heaven
A/N: ahhh guys! It's done how do you feel! Vote and comment and follow please! A new book coming out soon!

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