Qi-bi to the Rescue!

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Qibli saw Winter try to shake Crescent off himself. His brain immediately knew what was going to happen. He crouched low, then awaited what was going to happen. He would protect Moon and Crescent at all costs.

A scream jolted him into action.

He dove onto the floor, talons first, just as Crescent was falling. The hybrid dragonet shrieked as if all this claws were picked off one by one. His agonized screams silenced as soon as he felt Qibli's warm Sandwing scales.

The Sandwing picked him up off the ground and held him in his arms. Crescent cling to Qibli with all his might, refusing to let go.

"Tan-jou" he whispered in Qibli's ear.

"You're welcome, little buddy," Qibli murmured back. "Let's take care of mommy now, okay?"


Qibli turned back to Winter and Moon's argument.

"He. Is. My. Son." Winter repeated slowly, growling.

Moon shook her head.

"You haven't and will never have any part in raising or caring for my dragonet. The only thing you and him will ever share is the same blood. Nothing else will ever interfere or change in his life or yours. Do I make myself clear?" Moon asked.

Qibli had a burst of pride in his chest. His girlfriend was awesome and amazing and awesome. He was so proud of her for standing up for herself and her dragonet. It took her a long time to have this courage, he knew. It was time for him to speak up.

"Well, I'm glad we could sort this all out. It's time to go back to our rooms. Crescent is already asleep," he said, looking down at his shoulder.

Moon nodded.
"Best wishes on your trip to the Ice Kingdom." Moon added, already sweeping out of the door.

Lynx gave a sad smile and waved. Winter just looked steaming mad at all three of them.

Qibli wasn't sure if he should wave or not. He didn't want to set Winter off. He already felt a little guilty for being with Moon. So he just concentrated on holding Crescent and walked quickly to catch up with Moon.


Moon was already in her apartment rooms when Qibli came in with Crescent. She was sitting on some of the blankets, her head resting on her knees. Qibli went and put Crescent in his room, turned off the lights, then came back into the casual living space where Moon was sitting in the same position.

"You okay?" He asked softly. She nodded.

"I'm going to make some tea, you want some?"

"Sure." Moon replied. She started to get up.
"You need any help?"

"No no I got it honey. You can sit and rest."

A few minutes later, Qibli came back with two mugs. He handed Moon hers and sat down next to her.  She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"It's good to be home, isn't it?" Qibli tried.

"Oh yes." Moon replied absentmindedly.

They were silence for a few minutes, content in sipping their tea and twining each other's tails.

Moon broke the silence.

"I'm glad I have you." She said.

Qibli was a little unsure of what exactly she was going with this conversation.

"I'm glad I have you too."

"Thank you for... for saving my life again. For when you took me in. A single mother and a newly hatched dragonet. You made me happy again. You made me... me again."

"Anybody would have done it if they knew you." Qibli insisted modestly.

She kissed him.

"No. That's what makes you special."

Moon, Winter, and Qibli's futureWhere stories live. Discover now