1 - The Future Will Soon Conquer The Past

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In the kingdom of Sheogalla, there was a man who possessed what could be called psychic powers

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In the kingdom of Sheogalla, there was a man who possessed what could be called psychic powers. This man was a warrior who served his king with greater loyalty than any other man. He was a soldier of higher rank and his king loved him as much as he did the king. When it came to light that this man had these powers, he was exiled from his beloved kingdom. The king couldn't bring himself to execute his most loyal soldier, even if he was possessed by a demon.

With him came his pregnant wife and three other children. The oldest was a boy around the age of ten, his name was Iordanus. The second was also a boy around the age of eight, his name was Destrian. The youngest of the three was a girl around the age of four, her name was Asher. Asher was much like her father, she also had the same abilities he had.

Because of this, her brothers took it upon themselves to make fun of her for it. Their father being a gentle, kind-hearted man, did nothing to stop them. He was against the discipline of any person, which was strange in that era. Asher had endured well enough, but not without a cost. She became angry with the mistreatment and began to hate her father who never stopped it. At four, she was angrier than any other child her parents had met.

When they were pushed into the wilderness with nowhere to go, Asher was angry. She was angry at the stupid king who had exiled them. She wanted to hurt him. She was no stranger to war, her father, after all, was a soldier at one point.

Her family wandered for a long time, never truly finding shelter. Eventually, years later, when she was twelve, her family met a group of people who called themselves, Ironcrawlers. They were a warrior group that was made up of people who had been cast aside by their families, countries, etc. Her father agreed to join them and fight for their cause, wanting his family to have a place to stay.

Those years were the hardest, all of the children were trained in the arts of war and were brought up knowing what pain was. Within two years, her mother was dead from an illness. Her father didn't want to leave her behind, but he knew that the Ironcrawlers wanted to keep moving. Only a week after that, their father was dead. He had died a warrior, though it was probably what he wanted in that moment. He could finally be reunited with his wife. With both their parents dead, the four siblings were left to their own devices.

Iordanus was twenty and a capable warrior, he didn't want to be dragged down by his father's death and so he threw himself into war. Destrian was newly eighteen and also a war, though not as capable. He followed in his brother's footsteps and joined him in war. Asher was fourteen and still in the process of being trained as a warrior. She decided against joining her brothers in every battle and mostly trained and took care of her younger brother, Beringer.

Beringer was nine years old and an up and coming warrior himself. He was being trained by the best warriors and was gradually becoming greater than even the better warriors of the Ironcrawler's. It was as if he was destined for greatness and war was in his blood.

Asher was being trained by the leader of the Ironcrawlers, Mosseus. He spent most of his time training her to be his heir, not that she knew that. When he met her as a child, he saw something great in her and he knew that she was here for a reason. He eventually found out about her powers and was all the more convinced of this.

Asher trained hard, hoping to one day amount to even one-fifth of her who her warrior father was. She had vowed the day that her family had been exiled that she would have revenge. She would avenge her parents. She would make Sheogalla pay for making her mother weak and her father lose hope in humanity. She would make King Reignolde pay with his life. She would make him watch his family suffer. She would smear their body on his face, make him drink their blood.

She would be the vengeful harbinger she was meant to be. She will bring a new era, an era filled with bloodshed and war. She will become their god, they will bow before her, begging for mercy. She will give them no mercy, torture and death are their only options.

Mosseus knew of her feelings toward her hometown. He knew of her cruel, vengeful thoughts. He fueled them in hopes of making her stronger. In hopes of making her heartless and cruel. He wanted her new reign to come. He wanted people to bow at the Ironcrawlers feet. He wanted everyone who had ever did anyone, in the Ironcrawler's, wrong to feel their pain tenfold.

With this fire fueling her soul, she trained harder than anyone. She trained until she passed out from overexertion. She vowed that she would become stronger than even Mosseus. For a long two years, Asher trained under Mosseus, waiting for the day of vengeance. Each day that passed, her plans came closer and closer to completion. Until they were finally finished and their day of judgment came.

She would Kill the King.

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