4 - Sheogalla

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The Ironcrawlers surrounded their leader's former village, looking down on the small capital

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The Ironcrawlers surrounded their leader's former village, looking down on the small capital. They had destroyed most of the surrounding villages and the rest were being taken out by a small group of people. Asher smiled a wicked smile, she was finally going to have revenge, she would make that wretched king beg for mercy.

Her people stood ready and waiting, they wanted to see their queen to victory. They were so happy that she and her brothers were finally getting retribution. A small team of warriors took out the guards surrounding the city, making sure to hide the bodies as they ventured forward.

Asher looked over the city, waiting for a signal from the small group currently securing the outside of the wall. She was ready to conquer and see her people to a victory sweeter than any other. She had been dreaming of this day for years, her happiness was unimaginable.

Within minutes of the small group of mercenaries entering the city, a fire was set in several of the torches surrounding the front of the building. It was time, Asher raised her hand, catching her people's attention, before forcefully moving it downward. The Ironcrawlers's battle cries could be heard for miles around as they charged forward into the capital city.

Asher and her brothers followed behind their blood-hungry brethren. They slashed down the enemy mercilessly, moving closer to their intended destination, the castle. Blood splattered their faces and bodies with each fallen foe, they were true beasts of war. With each step, they became more connected with the monstrosities that lied within them.

Asher led the group of four, Iordanus and Destrian flanking off from her and Beringer following behind his older siblings. He never knew this city and its hardships, but he knew his siblings, especially his sister, wanted revenge. Knowing this he couldn't let them fight their way into that castle alone, he wanted to see them smile for the first time in a long time. He wanted to see them ripe with fulfillment at their long-awaited victory.

Unannounced to the group, the Vikings that they had been avoiding had made it to this same castle and were currently in a meeting discussing terms of this town's survival. The Great Heathen Army, as they called themselves, had come to take over the capital, but before they could Sheogalla's king surrendered. He wanted to talk terms, being the little weasel he was, he wanted to save his own ass. He couldn't care even a little bit about his people. Their leader, Bjorn, and his brothers, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar, along with a few men agreed to talk. It was more for their amusement than for the town's/kings survival.

Even if the Ironcrawlers had known this before, they would have still attacked the city. They would no longer deprive their leader and her brother's of revenge. They wanted this and when they wanted something, they got it.

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