7 - An Empire in the Making

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Ironcrawlers's Camp

Asher had gotten word back from her trackers, the Vikings had spoken to someone they called the 'seer'

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Asher had gotten word back from her trackers, the Vikings had spoken to someone they called the 'seer'. From what her trackers had overheard, they were trying to find a way to win against the Ironcrawlers. Asher was amused that they would ask a simple man for help. She was not so naive as to think that this man wouldn't be able to help the Northman defeat her army, but she knew that she wasn't going to let that happen, whatever the cost.

She knew that she needed to plan for an attack and that moving camp would be a safe bet at the moment. Once they moved camp, they'd create better fortifications to protect their borders. She knew that they needed to move fast, it was a guess to when the Vikings would attack.

With a single order, her men jumped into action. Within the hour everything was ready and a new location had been chosen by her brothers. The Ironcrawlers separated into four groups, each of the siblings leading one. They all traveled in separate directions, as to deter anyone who might follow them or attack them. If one of the groups was taken out, they'd still have three-fourths of their army.

Her brothers and her set out, each of the groups ready for an attack. The best fighters surrounded the groups, each group having the leaders in the front, weapon in hand. They were ready for anything.

It didn't take them long before they were all gathered at the new campsite. The men started to build the fortifications, working quickly. Everything needed to be ready, they needed to be ready for an attack.

Asher stood in the midst of the organized chaos, looking over her people. She knew that the Vikings were going to come and that they needed to be ready. They couldn't underestimate the power of such an army. She had heard the stories of the Great Heathen Army, how they reigned terror upon the men who had killed their father. She knew that this would be a fight that she might not make it through if she wasn't smart.


Ivar watched the fire as it moved in front of him. It's dance taunting him as he thought of what Floki had told him. How would he get Asher to join him? Did he really want to join forces with her? Even if he didn't, he knew he needed to listen to the gods.

After hours of contemplation on this matter, he came to a conclusion. He needed to talk to Asher the Bear, he needed to know why the gods were so intent upon her. Why they had chosen her to help one of his own rule over the world.

He crawled from his spot in front the now dying campfire, making his way to Floki's tent. It didn't take him long before he sat in front of his surrogate father.

"Floki," Ivar spoke, "I need to talk to her."

Floki looked at Ivar, unsure of where this was going.

"Why have you come to tell me this?" he questioned the young Viking.

Ivar paused, thinking over his answer.

"I...I want you to come with me. You know the legend, perhaps if you tell her, she will agree willingly. If not, then I will take her by force."

Floki's madman laughter filled the tent, "Take her by force. You really think you will be able to stop her, Telekinesis and all."

Ivar glared at Floki, "I will figure out a way."

Floki sighed, a smile still laid upon his painted face.

"I will come with you to talk to her. I have been waiting for this day to come. I am lucky enough to witness the gods prophecies come to life."

Ivar nodded, happy with his friend's answer.

"We leave now," he spoke, turning to crawl out the tent to find his chariot.


Asher watched the clouds grow darker, a storm was coming and it looked to be fierce. The camp was still in the process of being finished and she wasn't sure how much longer it would take. She strode across the camp, finding herself among the elderly who were struggling to put their tents up.

It didn't take long before she was in the midst of them, helping them finish their tasks. As each tent was finished more people came to help until everything was finished. The elderly thanked their compassionate leader and her followers before continuing on with whatever trivial thing they wished to do now.

Asher wandered from there to the other side of camp, looking over her people. She watched as they helped and talked to one another. She enjoyed the sounds of their loud and lively chatter. She wished that it could always be this calm and peaceful, but alas all good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, this moment of peace had to be included.

"Asher!" called a voice from a distance away. She stopped in her path, turning to the source of the noise. Not to far away stood one of her scouts, Llewellyn. He ran towards her once catching her attention.

"What's the matter, Llewellyn?" she questioned the young, but intelligent scout.

"We've caught people scouting around the old campsite. They've been brought here, just as you order," he spoke, looking at her curiously.

Asher looked back at him, studying his curious face, "Yes, Llewellyn?"

"H-How did you know that they'd come back?"

She smiled softly, causing Llewellyn's eyes to widen.

"I heard a legend some time ago now. The legend said that a fierce warrior, a Northman, would come to this land and beside him would stand a child of the gods. This child would not be born of Northman, but be of English blood. They spoke that this child would have to power to move mountains with only the will of their mind. They spoke that these children, though born of different races and with different ideals, they would join together and one day conquer the world as we know it."

Llewellyn stared at her, bewildered.

"But," she continued, "That is only a legend, that doesn't make it true."

With that she turned on her heel, heading towards where she knew her visitors would be kept until her arrival.


I wanted to thank everyone who has read and voted on this book, especially,  livekatiebug22ilovederekhalepointAlexFerreira17RiverofBlood, and bxried.

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