8 - Asher the Bear and Ivar the Boneless

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Ironcrawlers's Camp

Asher sped through the camp, she wanted to see which of the Northmen that she had captured had come back

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Asher sped through the camp, she wanted to see which of the Northmen that she had captured had come back. She was excited, more excited than she'd ever been. She had been waiting for this day for ten long years. As she neared the tent she became anxious, what if they were playing her? What if that man was a liar and it was all just a fable made up in some sick and twisted game to make her look like a fool?

She wanted it to be true more than anything, but she knew that the world was filled with cruel and deceitful people. Even with these questions and the worry eating away at her, she entered the tent.

She stood tall, arms crossed once the tent flaps flew back to their original positions. She stared down at the duo, her usual stone-faced look set upon her feminine features. She looked over the hostages, one of which she recognized as the crippled son of Ragnar Lothbrok.

"Ivar the Boneless," she started, a smirk setting itself on her face, "How good of you to join us. Though, I was not expecting your arrival so soon."

Ivar couldn't resist the devilish smile that formed on his handsome face, "Hello again, Asher the Bear."

Asher let out a soft chuckle, "I see you've brought a friend, Boneless." 

She turned her attention to the older Viking gentleman sat next to Ivar.

Floki's face held his usual crazed smile as he looked between the two.

"Is this the one?" He questioned Ivar, completely ignoring Asher. Asher simply smiled, watching the friends interact.

Ivar nodded to Floki, looking back at Asher.

"I am Floki," spoke the warrior, "I have heard about your...abilities."

Asher's smile faltered. She knew she should have killed those Northman. It's dangerous that people were out there that knew her secret. She had only let them live because she had a feeling, almost as if someone had whispered in her ear, that she should let them leave and watch their moves.

Ivar and Floki watched her change in behavior, she was angry. They were unsure of why, but they knew that with said abilities they weren't safe. Even Ivar and Floki combined couldn't stop her.

"Asher, have you heard of the legend that speaks of the Northman and Child of English Lands who conquer the world?" Floki asked.

Asher looked him over a minute before nodding, "Yes."

"That's why we are here. Ivar is that Northman and I have been lead to believe that you are the 'Child of English Lands'. You two will conquer the world together, but in order to do that, you must join forces," Floki spoke.

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