11 - The Start of a Long Journey

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5 Months Later

It had been five months. After Ivar had killed his brother, he had taken half the army and left. Asher, having already agreed to join him, gathered her army up and the two groups moved in unison to a place to train. They soon settled in Sheogalla which had been deserted after Asher's attack against it. For the next months, they trained together, ate together, lived together. For two armies which were once enemies, they become faster friends than Asher or Ivar thought possible. The two groups didn't fight with one another, they trained with each other, taught each other the ways of their gods, shared stories of their god's lives and their own. They were taught the fighting styles of both sides. They became strong, stronger than any army in the world. With this new strength and friendships, they knew they were ready to take England. 

These thoughts were shared with their leader's. Asher had watched her people train with the Vikings, she knew they were ready. Ivar, on the other hand, hadn't seen them train and didn't see the progress they had made. He made fun of the men who told him they were ready. Asher, unlike Ivar, agreed with the men, challenging Ivar's temper. He hated her lack of respect for him, he should be the only leader. He continued to fail to remember that BOTH of them were leading this army. He often found himself yelling at her for her ignorant interruption of him which she often replied to with a simple "we both lead this army, Ivar, don't forget that".

Ivar was beginning to be fed up with her, but he knew that in order to get rid of her he had to have patience. He wanted his plan to work out perfectly so even through his temper he had managed to control his urge to off her right then and there. Asher had begun to notice a slight change in Ivar, but she didn't speak of it. Only silently reminding herself that even if their armies had joined together, they were still enemies at heart and not even the gods could change that.

Asher had convinced Ivar to watch the armies train together and when he did, he noticed their organization and even some of the tactics that both sides had blended together. They were a working army, even Ivar couldn't deny that they were ready for battle. Within the next week, the two leaders announced that they were leaving for war and that's where they were now. 

Asher and Ivar stood at the head of their army, Ivar sat in his chariot and Asher upon her horse. The order was given and the two armies charged forward at their enemy. Her long, wavy, brown hair blew in the wind from its partially braided position. Her small amount of armor gleamed under the hot sun. Her helmet was sat in front of her, cushioned between her horse's neck and her thighs. She felt it was too hot to wear such an annoying piece of armor and therefore had left it off. Her torso was merely covered by a thin tunic, it was dirty and quickly becoming drenched in sweat as she fought off the enemy from her seated position. As the minutes passed, she became more aware of why she never rode a horse into battle. She much preferred to fight on her feet and with a simple leap from her horse, he stood in the midst of the enemy and her army.

She cut down man after man, killing anyone who challenged her. She knew that they would be victorious. There was no one who could win against two great armies joined together. As she laughed, the blood from past slain enemies dripped into her mouth, staining her teeth a light reddish-orange. She looked like a demon from hell as blood ran into her eyes and dripped down her tanned face. She was a warrior to behold, many were caught up in her skill and majesticness on the battlefield. When the times were necessary, she used her telekinesis to help another soldier who often thanked her with a simple nod. The Vikings had quickly become accustomed to Ashers 'abilities'. They had accepted her rather quickly, convinced that the gods had blessed her with this gift to help them conquer the world.

Asher laughed as the enemy King was quickly detained and drug to her and Ivar who had repositioned themselves in the midst of their army. The king was taunted for a while before Ivar and Asher went to explore their new kingdom. They drowned in pleasures of their English kingdom. They were enjoying these raids and all the new land they gained with each victory. They had conquered a large portion of England in such a short amount of time. They had kept near the borders and shoreline as to block the remaining kingdoms in.

They had left portions of their armies to guard their new territories. Asher and Ivar took the rest of their army to conquer other villages and kingdoms. They were just at the beginning of their journey. They still had a long way to go and a lot of kingdoms to conquer. They were both ready for what was to come and so were their people. Asher and Ivar were ready to be soaked in the blood of their enemies. Asher hoped that her bloodlust may finally diminish and Ivar hoped to be the sole ruler of the world. Both goals were unique and would be difficult for both parties. We can only hope that they both get what they wish and end this alliance peacefully. But that is only for them to know and for us to find out.

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