(1) Chapter Four ; Getting Out .

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Ashton Irwin ; 

   "I-is she-? Is she dead??" Calum cried as we all stepped out of the car. I could still remember the horrid look on his face. "Oh fuck! She's dead, isn't she?"

  "Wh-what the fuck??" Luke panicked, slamming the door. Out of all of us, it came down the hardest on him only because he was driving. "What the fuck is she doing in the street-"


Me and Michael stepped out of the car, trailing right behind them. We started looking for a body that couldn't have gone too far.


  "Why the fuck weren't you paying attention??" I ran my fingers through my hair, yelling at Luke. I was losing my mind. "Do you know what'll happen to us now??"

  "Don't fucking blame me for this!" he growled. "I didn't even want to fucking drive!"

 "This was your fucking idea!!!" I yelled back for his condescending tone. "We wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you-"

  "Stop it please!!!" Calum yelled, cupping his hands over his ears. "Just stop it...."

"G-guys!?" Michael interrupted, pointing off in the distance. His eyes were wide in fear. "L-look!!!"


We all turned to see what he was pointing at. It was her; it was her body. Her arm barely showed out of the tall grass, causing us all to tremor. I slowly inched my way towards her feeling obligated. This girl had a family, I'm sure we her owed as much as closure- if she were dead.


  "Ashton stop, we need to leave!" Luke cried trying to stop me. "D-do you know what's going to happen if they find us here? With her?"

   "Luke we can't just leave!" I turned around, back peddaling. The tears rolled over thinking about all the trouble we were in. "She has a family! W-we just need to see if she's... Alive...."


  Luke grabbed my arm. "Ashton come on. You and both know this won't end well for any of us. A-and me? I'm the one that hit her! Do you know what they'll do to me here?"


   "Let go of me Luke-" I shook him off of me.

  "A-ashton please!" he cried looking into me. "I-I can't be put away for this... Please...."



                                                       - - - - - - - - - - 



My eyes peeled open, slowly but surely. Not again. I thought I was over the nightmares, I thought I had forgivien myself but, I guess I havent.

I looked around the room puzzled by everything. Everything was white for a moment as I sheilded my eyes to see better. My arm was hooked up to an EKG that beeped to the beat of my heart. My leg was propped up and wrapped neatly, but I could still feel the pain.


   "Arghh..." I grunted trying not to move my leg anymore. I looked across the room, frozen in awe. "E-Eleanor??"

(1D) Saw ; The Beginningحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن